
Did you go to a Southern school?

That's the thing about the "what if" game. It could have been better, or it could have been much worse. We'll never know.

Perhaps, or it could or pushed the defeated Rebels into more of a guerrilla war. There were definitely some who deserved the noose, Nathan Bedford Forrest chief among them.

True, 92 was a massacre. However, in the remaining gold medal games the smallest point differential is seven points. Most of them are over ten points.

Dude really? In the last 18 Summer Olympics, the USA has won gold 14 times. Additionally, they have failed to win any medal only once and that was in 1980 when America boycotted the Olympics.

Ugh, Philly fans are just the worst.

Or like Men's Olympic basketball? Other countries might as well not even field teams and give the gold to the USA by default.

Emma Stone?

Double post = twice the up votes!

It would of been handled a lot better if the Union had hanged a few leading Confederate generals, specifically Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Who's the female Rick Moranis?

Bustin makes me feel good!

I hear ya buddy. My dad's family is from the Spartanburg area and I went to Clemson for a few years, so I know the mindset very well.

Well, Reconstruction was handled poorly. Not that it gives an excuse to the south for their actions after the war.

That's what I get for feeding the trolls I guess.

Misogynistic? Sure, I'll give you that one, even though that is mostly confined to the infantry. However, I never once saw or heard of any instances of institutionalized racism in the service.

Well, glad you got away then.

Yeah? Are you speaking from personal experience?

Why would you be a bad person for wishing misfortune on a fucker like that? From what you say, sounds like someone should of put a bullet in his brain a long time ago.

Amen man. In the Army I served with people of almost every race and religion I can think of and they were all my brothers and sisters, even if we didn't always get along. I just wish the rest of America could be that way.