
Oh man, Solas was my party member that I always took. I loaded him up on defensive magic and focused my Inquisitor on offensive magic. With Iron Bull and Cassandra, the party was almost unstoppable.

XCOM EU/EW is my absolute favorite game of the last few years so I want to play XCOM 2 so, so badly. Too bad that its PC only

I played as Knight Enchanter and it was fucking rad. That magic sword is really cool, and it gives you more options with party members. If it feels too easy, just up the difficulty.

GOG has all the X-Wing games for $20.

How is a console ill fated when it had Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, and Goldeneye? Those are just the ones that everyone likes, I'd add Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Jet Force Gemini, and others to the list.

That's awesome.

Wow, that sounds nuts. The only way I can describe my experience is that the world went two dimensional and something was chopping away pieces. Really weird shit.

Oh yeah, I remember spending about $60 or $70 on this giant TIE Interceptor set when I was 14. Crown jewel of my collection, until my sister threw it down the stairs and shattered it.

I spent so much money on Star Wars Legos as a kid. Wish I still had any of them.

My one experience with hallucinogens was trying salvia. The trip freaked me the fuck out, and I have not had the desire to try anything hallucinogenic since then.

This is my favorite baseball story of all time.

Congratulations on successfully defending your thesis and graduating with a PhD in paleontology.

That's not as metal as these guys.

Beetle Bailey is the ultimate Senior Specialist.

That was a pretty great line.

My personal favorite was "Witness me blood-bag!!"

The trailer for that Joseph Gordon-Levitt movie about the guy who fucks around on top of skyscrapers killed mine. I'm terrified of heights, so I was a bit freaked out.

Who doesn't love that song?

My idea for a sequel is that Max becomes the leader of some gang after killing the previous leader, then has to survive raids and assassination attempts from within the gang.

Those terrorist attacks in Russia last decade by the Chechens had quite a few female terrorists involved.