
So when does the Tiny Entourage movie come out?

See Fury Road. If you've already seen it, go see it again.

That's exactly what the show was. Sex in the City for men.

He's goofy as hell looking when he plays the Doctor, but real life Matt Smith is a pretty good looking dude.

Braces not required in Jannah.

I'm available Fox. Have your people call my people.


Sounds like a Korean dude's name.


They got a pretty good racket going on, except for the not getting laid part.

I think that scene is the most squeamish I've ever been watching a movie.

You must be pretty lame. Sorry.

Why do parents like the lamest things?

I would like to buy your screenplay friend.

Getting paid to make shit up = best job ever.

If it wasn't so ridiculous, I think Cryptozoologist would be a pretty cool job.

Oh I know, believe me I know. I was an Army intel analyst in Korea for three years.

That sucks man. I've had the same experience looking for part-time jobs now that I'm back in school. I've applied to probably 40 places and the only few who called me back wouldn't hire me because I'm a student. At least I have that sweet, sweet GI Bill money to get me through school. You Brits got anything like that?

You have no idea…

Parts of it yeah, but I did some pretty cool shit in the Army. I also got to live in Korea for three years.