Pickwick the Dodo

I had this happen with Ryan Adams. I like Rock N Roll. I didn't realize everybody hated it until after I'd left "Burning Photographs" on repeat for a few months.

@avclub-83de02c3cfc3634de1279cbc17a8fbae:disqus That phone call just went on a bit too long, I thought. It was funny for a while, but then the schtick just got old really quickly.bParticularly since they weren't saying anything new, or anything that wasn't super obvious (namely, that Fanny was gone and Michelle needed

@avclub-83de02c3cfc3634de1279cbc17a8fbae:disqus That phone call just went on a bit too long, I thought. It was funny for a while, but then the schtick just got old really quickly.bParticularly since they weren't saying anything new, or anything that wasn't super obvious (namely, that Fanny was gone and Michelle needed

I know! This season has gotten weirdly good. Particularly considering the whole Annie/Auggie thing, which just sounds like a terrible idea. I think it's just nice to see her have something resembling genuine human feelings, even if they're super cliche. Also, the mystery with the Russian assasin dude is pretty

I know! This season has gotten weirdly good. Particularly considering the whole Annie/Auggie thing, which just sounds like a terrible idea. I think it's just nice to see her have something resembling genuine human feelings, even if they're super cliche. Also, the mystery with the Russian assasin dude is pretty

Really? That's one of my favorite episodes. Although, I definitely think the show as whole goes downhill as it goes on.

Really? That's one of my favorite episodes. Although, I definitely think the show as whole goes downhill as it goes on.

Oh god—that was awful. It wasn't just poorly-written, it was completely predictable. Or at least the movie was (I sat throught the entire movie being like SPOILERS "he's evil. she's totally related to jesus."), I never actually read the book. Because it sucked.

Oh god—that was awful. It wasn't just poorly-written, it was completely predictable. Or at least the movie was (I sat throught the entire movie being like SPOILERS "he's evil. she's totally related to jesus."), I never actually read the book. Because it sucked.

I haven't seen most of these, but I whole-heartedly second the Kids on the Slope recommendation. It's very low-key but sweet, and the art is great.

Oh! That is true. Thanks!

Oh! That is true. Thanks!

That definitely sounds like YA. Apparently, I was easily scandalized by book covers when I was 14.

That definitely sounds like YA. Apparently, I was easily scandalized by book covers when I was 14.

I loved The Hero and the Crown SO MUCH. I read that book (and the second Alanna  book) over and over.

I loved The Hero and the Crown SO MUCH. I read that book (and the second Alanna  book) over and over.

Admittedly, I read The Mists of Avalon in 6th grade and turned out okay, so I guess appropriateness isn't super relevant.

Admittedly, I read The Mists of Avalon in 6th grade and turned out okay, so I guess appropriateness isn't super relevant.

Is that YA? Tanith Lee's Wolf Tower series (or whatever the hell it was called—I have only the vaguest recollections of those books) was marketed as YA, but I always got the impression that her other stuff wasn't exactly appropriate for younger readers.

Is that YA? Tanith Lee's Wolf Tower series (or whatever the hell it was called—I have only the vaguest recollections of those books) was marketed as YA, but I always got the impression that her other stuff wasn't exactly appropriate for younger readers.