Pickwick the Dodo

The last time I went back and rewatched seasons 4 and 5 I was actually thrown by how dickish and unhelpful Spike is. He doesn't get even remotely friendly until the end of season 5.

…..they do actually (well, not the eugenics part). The comics are all about what would happen if there were all of a sudden all these super-powered ladies all over the world.

I also love the sixth season (and actually don't hate much of the seventh), for pretty much the same reasons you gave. I was about Buffy's age when I watched and going through a rough patch and really related to it. Because fucking up horribly and being a dick to your friends and having shitty relationships are all

I thought the same thing, but honestly, what difference would it have made? They figured it out so quickly and still couldn't do a damn thing about it, I don't think the extra couple of hours would've made much difference.

The problem with George for me is that his goodness really is only in parantheses. He's such a smarmy jerk that everytime the show tries to sell him as this great guy I just want to punch things. Wade may be kind of a shit sometimes but at least he's self-aware about it.

Look, I'm not totally for Olivia and Fitz (or for them at all, actually). But Mellie is really pretty awful. Not particularly more awful than anybody else, but not any better either (except for Fitz—he's the worst). She's been systematically willing to throw her husband/family under the bus when it benefits her. She

My thought's on Jake as this episode progressed: He's not secretly evil, right? He just has something important to do? Please don't let him be evil, he's so charming! Holy shit he's going to murder Olivia! Oh no, he's just kissing her. See? Totally not evil. Wait, the CIA guy is dead? Oh, FUCK. Totally evil. Dammit.

Oh my god, I was thinking the exact same thing. It was horrifying. And then they started making out and I was traumatized, because he was SO rapey.

Nope. In fact it gets even more ridiculous. But I think @avclub-7d640ca825f963b9fc36e0857c0b39e5:disqus was referring more to interesting thematic concerns—particularly as regards politics and science, respectively—and character arcs. At least, that's what I find most compelling about those two shows. Or Homeland,

I think it was having sex in a public place he was uncomfortable with, not having sex with her. So he was overcoming inhibitions with his crazy dance. Or something.

I think it was having sex in a public place he was uncomfortable with, not having sex with her. So he was overcoming inhibitions with his crazy dance. Or something.

I kind of thought it wasn't meant to be indicative of Damon realizing how horribly wrong it could go and that this wasn't what he wanted for her. Elena wasn't actually acting that differently, it was just super uncomfortable because Damon was so obviously freaking out.

I kind of thought it wasn't meant to be indicative of Damon realizing how horribly wrong it could go and that this wasn't what he wanted for her. Elena wasn't actually acting that differently, it was just super uncomfortable because Damon was so obviously freaking out.

The twisted christmasy-ness of it was great!

The twisted christmasy-ness of it was great!

I don't really think the show positions Stefan as the good one Damon as the bad one as much as the characters, particularly Caroline, do. This episode, for example, Stefan came off as spectacularly creepy and controlling (which I'm choosing to believe was on purpose), while Damon came off as mostly pretty sweet, if

I don't really think the show positions Stefan as the good one Damon as the bad one as much as the characters, particularly Caroline, do. This episode, for example, Stefan came off as spectacularly creepy and controlling (which I'm choosing to believe was on purpose), while Damon came off as mostly pretty sweet, if

I always kind of wonder about the morality with vampires thing. Not in any way to excuse Damen's behavior, but more as kind of a weird narrative issue (it came up in Buffy too). They have to be allowed to do more bad stuff than humans or they're boring (see: Twilight, which is so much more fucked up when it comes to

I always kind of wonder about the morality with vampires thing. Not in any way to excuse Damen's behavior, but more as kind of a weird narrative issue (it came up in Buffy too). They have to be allowed to do more bad stuff than humans or they're boring (see: Twilight, which is so much more fucked up when it comes to

Right? Actually, I was never really a fan, but at this point it's just super condescending. "Oh well Elena can't handle being a vampire, so I have to turn her back." His wanting her to be the same as she was is understandable, but trying to change her back is SUPER CREEPY.