Pickwick the Dodo

Nancy Farmer is great! The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm was my favorite though. You should check it out if you haven't yet.

Nancy Farmer is great! The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm was my favorite though. You should check it out if you haven't yet.

Yeah that series gets way different after the first book. But in a good way!

Yeah that series gets way different after the first book. But in a good way!

Tagalog is a language, so I guess that kind of makes sense? But I will eat them anyways, because they are delicious.

Tagalog is a language, so I guess that kind of makes sense? But I will eat them anyways, because they are delicious.

Ah! Which one is she? I can't place her.

Ah! Which one is she? I can't place her.

I think the issue with the first season wasn't that they never had any jokes, it was the very dour tone. There was no sense of fun. Everything was super serious all of the time and everyone was either completely miserable or evil.

I think the issue with the first season wasn't that they never had any jokes, it was the very dour tone. There was no sense of fun. Everything was super serious all of the time and everyone was either completely miserable or evil.

Noah (or maybe Jill?) said at some point that their daughter was coming into town for the shower. So yeah, she definitely lives somewhere else.

Hilariously, I spent that whole scene being annoyed by the fact that the dress made her boobs look weird. But then, I am not a dude.

When she swept out of the bedroom, I thought for a second it was going to be Ashley, which would've been AWESOME. So mostly I was just disappointed it was the boring dumb lady.

Also Scott Speedman!

@avclub-8ed16b12adc574bb06ec2cb2f5479952:disqus  That is so ridiculous that I assumed you had to be screwing with me. But, after consulting Google, I confirmed that was in fact exactly what happened. It doesn't even make sense!

THEY TOOK THE ELEVATOR TO EVACUATE? Have they never seen one of those signs they have  everywhere saying "In case of emergency, TAKE THE STAIRS"? That makes me glad I gave up as well.

I generally have a pretty high tolerance for crappy TV (I have seen WAY too much of NCIS proper), but I watched this once and it was just so moronic. The bad guys were buying and selling guitar hero games (or something), and I sat there for 10 fucking minutes saying "MONEY LAUNDERING" over and over before one of the

In defense of this, admittedly stupid, outlook, step-parents and adoptive parents almost always are evil in fairy tales. While this is obviously not true in real life, it does make sense from the fairy tale perspective. (Could the show do a better job of balancing those perspectives? Undoubtedly.)

I read the Namesake and have been waging an uphill battle to read Lahiri's short stories ever since, despite constantly hearing how amazing they are. (It was just so DEPRESSING. In a way that might work for a short story, but with a novel just felt like I was being jerked around) So I would say that is an excellent

I had the same thought (maybe they could just kill her a little bit?), and then realized the same thing as K. Thrace. Her brain could regenerate because it was saturated with activated cortexiphan. Her heart? Not so much.