Pickwick the Dodo

As I was watching that scene, I kept switching between "She can't remember him" and "She's pregnant!" (with the occasional "She's dying" thrown in). Boy am I glad it didn't turn out to be the first one.

Sheriff Forbes, maybe. But yeah, in general, they either write off adults or make them as useless as humanly possible (*coughcough* Rufus).

I think you're right on Emily's age, but Daniel is in business school, not undergrad, so he's older than 22. My guess would be more like 25.

@avclub-39f7dd002b8c98fa4bfc38631ca18303:disqus Oh god, you're right. It suddenly makes so much sense.

What is the Pyramid Collection? I knew many nerdy, sheltered, slightly creepy girls in college, and now I'm curious about which subset it might be that so loves Castle.

Hey now! Don't go lumping Fringe in with Castle or *shudder* Smash. It may not be the bestest best tv show ever, but compared to those two it's freaking Anna Karenina.

@avclub-091d584fced301b442654dd8c23b3fc9:disqus They meant that adult Peter never existed. They say that pretty explicitly later on. I mean, I guess that could've been decided later, but it makes perfect sense, so does it really matter?

I don't think it's true that sex always drives a plot. Veronica slept with Logan and Duncan both, in the context of relatively healthy committed relationships. Same thing with Mac and anyone not Beaver, Jackie and Wallace, and Parker and Logan.

Even if there was a guy on the beach, and Charlotte saw him, it would be awfully hard to prove Declan saw him and lied about, unless Charlotte testified against him (since he yelled at the dude and chased him off). Plus she was still on drugs and probably wouldn't want to call the events into question now that her

Those were pretty much my exact reactions, especially the first two (SUCH BAD DIALOGUE). On the last point, though, Emily's plan wasn't for Lee to die, it was that he'd flip on the Graysons. So her plan didn't exactly work out how she wanted, but she still ensured Daniel and Jack's safety, which was the most pressing

@avclub-ab60729bcbd8293eb5f31e5077c29049:disqus Good point about New Girl. I actually started watching that show solely because of Leo and have been pleasantly surprised. Being a lovable asshole is weird, but a definite step up from all the times over the past few years he's played murderers. And @davidbix:disqus you

I am deeply ashamed to say that I did and it never EVER got any better. In fact, it got worse. After, SPOILER Lowell's character died, leaving behind a sad little girl with a drug addict mom, and I realized that all the characters were truly terribly people (and not in the fun way. in the super judgmental and

I honestly never realized it wasn't. I thought Zuko and Katara were going to end up getting together pretty much until the end. So if they weren't trying to show something there, they REALLY screwed up.

It felt so much like True Blood that I started confusing plot points. I kept thinking Meredith and Jamie would start having sex dreams about Stefan and Caroline. But no, wrong show. Just as well, really.

@gambrinus:disqus I think just the memories, since when Wesley smashes the lantern thingy they all remember what happened. Also, I really like the Ben/Glory comparison—it makes a ton of sense.

MORE SPOILERS. That was the WORST THING about the ending. It was like, really, Six and fucking Baltar get to live happily ever after, but Starbuck ends up dead/transcended/whatever. In fact, mostly only the shitty people got happy endings (except for Athena and Helo, anyways).

Oh god, I hated him so much. I recognize that he was necessary to the show, but I just constantly wanted to hit him. Preferably in the face. With something heavy.

I love Florence and the Machine, but when I saw them live they were pretty boring. Admittedly, that was a few years ago, but I think whoever told you were they were super awesome live might just be on drugs.

Maybe she's wearing a dude's suit coat? Actually, though, I don't know. I have basically no recollection of the pilot flash forward, I was just trying to figure out if there was a way the show could have a meaningful death without offing Daniel (he's so pretty!).

I'm thinking that killing the originals kills all the vampires—considering how concerned Esther was with her kids being abominations, it makes sense for her to want to kill all of the other abominations as well.