
Now all we need is Kenny Blankenship and Guy LeDouche and this revival of Takeshi's Castle/MXC will…….

There have been worst RAWs than this one but my god I HATED this one. Other than Stephanie's great promo and the main event stuff between Ambrose and HHH, this show was garbage.

It really isn't The Venture Brothers unless you have a pit full of bodies on a property owned by Rusty Venture

100% agree with this.

There is only one man who can play me in my life story and that is Reb Brown, the man played the great David Ryder AKA Slab Bulkhead AKA Big McLarge Huge AKA Punt Speedchunk AKA Fridge Largemeat, etc. from Space Mutiny.

I don't know but we should think of some just in case

Thank god they didn't say "the chicks'll cream" on live TV or else Garry would have returned from his hell dimension/home planet/vacation to enslave us all

I thought UHF and Blazing Saddles were wrongfully left off of this list and then you had to remind me of this outstanding movie.

To me the two glaring omissions are UHF and, obviously Blazing Saddles

This entire feud is about the Authority trying to break Reigns and make sure he isn't champion so to not have Reigns in the main event of WM going for the title would make absolutely no sense, whether he was facing HHH, Brock or anyone else that represents the Authority

I thought Carol was a good movie, definitely not the best I have seen in 2015 but man this article is surely something else especially since at the end of the day it's all subjective and like Sidney Poitier told John Singleton in no uncertain terms that winning a award means jack shit because most of the time the

Yeah I would replace Concussion with the Frontline League of Denial doc especially since the NFL basically behind the scenes forced ESPN to pull all backing to this even though they were one of the major producer. Plus Concussion pushes people such as Chris Nowinski who are just as important as Omalu to the wayside.

Absolutely agree with you.

If I am trying to protect my body/life Kilgrave. If I am trying to protect my soul definitely Tucker.

I would be so hyped for Channing Tatum playing David Ryder AKA Big McLarge Huge AKA Punt Speedchunk AKA Fridge Largemeat AKA Stomp Beefknob etc. etc. etc. in a remake of Space Mutiny

TL;DR for those of you who for some reason skip to the comments and not read the article is that it's another bullshit Shonda Rhimes ending, though it could possibly be the worst out of all her shows

Probably the stupidest article I have ever read on AV Club

Thank god for Keith David and his amazing voice

Same here. The intro to the show in the 90's and 2000's was super fucking creepy with the amazing narrator and all those fucked up images that came along with the music

I need more Brick Frog in my life