
Three way tie between GWAR, Iron Maiden and Ozzy

She is Cambodian so I would assume she is fluent.

Your first sentence explains perfectly why he gave two shits about Gallifrey, especially since they were the catalyst that led to her death.

If this happens nothing on TV will beat this as my favorite moment of the year

I do miss seeing her wearing the flower dresses on Agents of Shield.

Thank you, Mr Jackpots.

Donna is made better because of The Runaway Bride. Otherwise you wouldn't have had the set-up for her season (which may not have the best episodes but Catherine Tate was outstanding.

Also doesn't help the the only thing that got boos in the match was Owens attacking AJ, which made the crowd do the "what a stupid finish" boos and not the boos that should help Jinder

Man just imagine how great Miz would be right now if they had actually kept him on Smackdown and had him and Nakamura feud.

I don't know how anyone can say Payback was solid when the crowd stopped caring after seeing Bayley lose and then gave zero fucks about the rest of the show (until Braun killed Roman, though WWE had to fuck that up by having Roman send Braun running away on Raw Talk) due to Wyatt/Orton

After letting it sit unopened for the past month I finally started playing Horizon: Zero Dawn and am enjoying it so far. Well everything but the Glinthawks

Kalisto got the old Scott Hall special tonight in that he wins in a nothing match and then gets destroyed afterwards to make him look like a nothing

They are all on TV and are the highest levels of annoying as fuck but I am with you on seeing other people named instead of political correspondents

You can't mention Jeffrey Lord without also mentioning Van Jones.

Plus if you want to be a madman and try to gain a ton of levels /money facing The Reaper on a rainy day and trying to make it get Despair is the best option

Add Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami and Nioh and we basically have the same list

If they are gonna do a time jump, focusing the first half of the season on All Out War and then starting the second half with the time jump would be the smart thing to do.

How is it deflating when the crowd was just as much into Roode than Nakamura?

God bless the writers and James Urbaniak for making Grant such a Evil motherfucker that Satan would take notes on him

There was a interview from Anderson about how Brown was casted for the role and if you could somehow see the tone in the writing he knew it was a bad idea