
Boyd noted that Raylan always wears his hat a little higher, thus making himself appear taller. Hence, Boon shot higher and is why the bullet grazed Raylan where a couple inches lower would have killed him.

I am utterly disgusted that people haven't realized we lost a dear friend last night: Raylan's white Stetson. It gave it's life to protect Raylan.

My yogi says I am making progress. Now I only have night screams during three hours of sleep every night.

Am I completely fucked up in some way that I keep watching every week hoping to see Barbara killed just so Gordon can move on and meet another Barbara that's actually not the worst character on TV?

This is why I would like for Oliver to review Batman Beyond and then review the movie to finish off Beyond.

Thanks for always doing a great job reviewing, Oliver. As for what to review next, I definitely back the others with going back to Gargoyles. I would also love to see reviews of Batman Beyond as well

All right, you fucking lost me when you Beavia and Butt-Head at B instead of the greatest cartoon ever: Batman: TAS

This episode is in my top five of JL/JLU episodes (Epilogue, A Better World, The Terror Beyond and Hereafter (I count the two episodes as one whole episode). I just love the fight between Luthor and Grodd and the return of Darkseid.

The minister replaced Herschel. Always gotta have a man of God in a zombie apocalypse

So they killed Tyreese so Noah can stay around?

At least the snozberries will taste like snozberries.

His job is to carry a football, not answer questions in the way the media wants them answered.

Don't even joke about mentioning EAP enthusiasts around here. Next thing you know we will be wading through a pile of bodies while the police are doing everything in their power to help them.

Well considering he admitted to killing close to a hundred civilians as well as saying he shot black looters with a rifle during Katrina, I call bull on that.

The A.V. Club

Love this movie, especially the end credits. Wes Anderson must have liked it too because he did a similar end credits for The Life Aquatic with Steve Zizzou