Splint Chesthair

And Batman wins. Because Batman always wins.

There you go, NBC! You could have replaced Leno with the Price is Right and looked like geniuses! GENIUSES!

Hey NBC…
here's a thought: maybe Jay Leno was never that great to begin with.

I can see the pitch for "gritty Power Pack" right now:

Reportedly Cage spends the whole movie doing an Adam West impersonation. So…probably more "martini glass full of jellybeans" crazy and not so much "lucky crack pipe" crazy. Maybe a 6.5?

Wes Anderson's 007:

'Mo-Bots: Battle of the Gay Lords.

A lot of the savaging heaped upon critics who didn't like Titanic was also from Cameron himself, Prof. Provolone. As I recall, he sent a letter to the LA Times asking if Kenneth Turan could be impeached instead of Bill Clinton, because Turan took the joy out of "the simple act of going to the movies" or some such shit.

The thing this movie reminds me of the most
is the litany of four-star reviews that "Phantom Menace" received. A whole year of people writing breathlessly about the "majesty" and "spectacle" and then after it drops on DVD everyone agrees it was pretty much a dumb movie and Jar Jar toys are on clearance.

He also did some really nice work on The Flash, fleshing out the Rogues and putting a lot of work into making them real characters. But again, is he a Batman kind of writer? We'll see, I guess.

I'm actually interested to see how Johns handles Batman, considering how he went out of his way to make Batman Hal Jordan's bitch in "Green Lantern: Rebirth."

The most significant thing about this
is the fact that DC is aiming at the bookstore market with these as opposed to the direct comic book market.

It's funny that Tobias said "Transylmania" did "Delgo-like numbers," when in fact "Delgo" made almost twice as much money in its opening weekend.

Third-worst opening of all time
According to Box Office Mojo. To put it another way, "Go-Bots: Battle of the Rock Lords" had a better opening weekend than this movie. You know what else did better on its opening weekend than "Transylmania?"

My wife still hasn't forgiven me for ruining "The Lake House" for her.

Godzilla: Final Wars is bad, even for a Godzilla movie. Godzilla Mothra & King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack forever, yo.

Tea parties are practically the same thing as O'Reilly-led flash mobs, right? They're organized over the Internet, they feature a large group of people all saying and doing essentially the same thing, and they accomplish nothing. Just like a flash mob.

Thank you for solidifying exactly what bothered me about that plotline, lexicondevil. Lisa has drifted away from being a precocious and abnormally intelligent 8-year-old girl into a neurotic know-it-all midget who still lives at home. Or something like that. Either way, she's become the show's most annoying character

I get what you're saying, Har, but I took Morrison's use of the hardass cliches as a deconstruction. After all, Batman is doing all this grimacing and grunting while 1) wearing a purple-and-yellow suit made from garbage and 2) talking to a fifth-dimensional sprite only he can see or hear. The point, as I'm reading it

Those are some well-considered points, and although I don't agree with all of them I can see where Morrison's Batman run falls flat with some people. Two counterpoints, though: