Splint Chesthair

Ha, Batman and Bacon, the Pork Wonder. Now THAT'S a series.

"Madman of the People" was one of an unfortunate slew of "hammock" shows NBC tried and failed to string between "Friends" and "Seinfeld" back in the day. I believe "The Single Guy," "Veronica's Closet" and "Boston Common" all fell into that category, as well.

I bet Uma Thurman makes the list soon
just based on that terrible-looking, barely-released "Motherhood" thing. Box Office Mojo says that movie probably won't even make the value of my house.

The best moment of the episode was Charlie's resigned little groan when the waitress called him on having a bag of hair with him.

Yeah, it's obvious that the Grizz/Liz (Grlizz?) thing is still way too raw.

Pulp processing plant?
When did Dunder Mifflin go from being a middleman paper distributor to a manufacturer? I'll hang up and listen to your response.

During the 90s NBC made its Thursday night comedies do a "blackout" themed episode, because they were all NYC-based at the time. If I'm remembering it right, Paul Reiser accidentally caused the blackout, Matthew Perry became trapped in a bank lobby, Dabney Coleman did…something…and Jerry Seinfeld said "Naw man, I

Why didn't Meyer just go all out and say vampires bleed Lisa Frank stickers in sunlight or turn into ponies when they're near garlic or something? Jeez Louise.

Agreed, anything with Zeppo front and center was wack. More Harpo acting weird or Groucho owning old ladies, less warbling and goo-goo eyes.

Peck didn't even have to be the bad guy, though. He did have some legitimate concerns, but what pushed him over the top into full-on raving douchebag mode was Venkman antagonizing him. If Ray or Egon had been the one to talk to Peck initially, maybe things would have gone down differently.

The guy who made "Delgo" forgot my cheesy breadsticks again.

Wow, well. I'll disagree with a guy, but at least I stop short of wishing ill to his genitals.

Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

Can't you see I'm reading a third-rate history of "The Simpsons" I found at the bus station?

Yeah, but when the author plays loose and sloppy with even the most basic facts about the subject matter, it puts the rest of the book on shaky ground. All of those mistakes mentioned in the review could have been checked on Wikipedia. I've been looking forward to reading this book specifically for the material about

The Simpsons Movie has made me laugh each time I've watched it. And even if the "24" episode was indeed a "full-on hand job" to FOX, you could still make an hour-long clip show just out of the bits where the show has made fun of FOX for sucking.

The twist is that Madea has been dead for years and every Tyler Perry movie is part of a long-form remake of "Psycho."

The Something Awful Goon Show will start off each week with someone making a rape joke, followed by a 30-minute panel discussion about whether or not rape jokes are okay. At the end, everyone is put on a one-week probation.

It'll be quite an ensemble cast…
…if they're going to truly work in 140 characters an episode.

Batman, the "export" is actually a download of all the tracks in one chunk, which then show up in RB or RB2 as DLC. You need to redeem a code from inside the LRB case and then spend about $10 for the download. Once you've done that, you don't need the LRB game ever again.