Sperm Bank Holiday

The dr was an evildoer, this was random justice.

Finally, Victoria Jackson is useful!

"quality of life" :(

Really, Barry just needs to read "A Sound of Distant Thunder" and all this time travel angst will evaporate.

Trump had no problem lying about stuff he was caught on video doing (mocking a handicapped reporter) and has no problem insisting that Central Park 5 are guilty, even though DNA tests and a confession by the real rapist cleared them.
How will he act when he accidentally nukes Vancouver?

That sounds like it should be a palindrome.

With Nixon's head in a jar, you know what you're getting!

That would have been horrible..look how much confusion has been sown by flashpoint taking up one episode. Multiply that by 5-7 and you get a real trainwreck.

I liked the episode, but the ending was a disappointment; there needed to be a confrontation between Sherlock and the drug lord. Explaining things after the fact was anticlimactic. I wonder if this gang are being saved for later in the season.

Didn't Wells start out in another city before coming to CC after his wife died? With no Thawn to kill Mrs Wells and take over Wells' life, Wells would just stay in the city he started out in.

You're just a jeepster for their love.

I think Ryder gets criticized because all the men in the story(and really, all the other characters) are taking the boy's disappearance stoicly. She's the only one who feels the urgency.

We can only hope..

I'd say the confluence of technical and artistic problems, combined with a superstar creative team, made it a horror to troubleshoot.
Plus, "It's Spider-Man" means it's a corporate property that has cycled through hundreds of creative people through the years, muddying the spider-essence.

Particularly one with music by U2. I love U2, but Bono's strength as a songwriter is not in creating a character and telling a story.

I don't see that. They had a post-Romney autopsy that explicitly laid out the electoral shortcomings of alienating the growing Hispanic vote, and, voila, they've nominated the candidate with the most brutal immigration policy.

On the one hand, I can see Hillary going one term like Carter. She's not a natural politician and if the economy goes bad, her reelection could be a tough sell.
But Republicans have done such a stellar job alienating people of color, women, immigrants, lgbtq, et al that it will take an intra-party revolution to change

Ultimately, you can't shame people who have no shame, integrity or high-school level reading skills. They will continue to cherry pick through the Bible until they find six or seven words they like, cut out the words in between, and then rearrange those words into something they want to hear.

Make guns like cars. Registration, insurance etc.

Now You See Me Again: The Second Now You See Me Movie