Sperm Bank Holiday

He's a guy at the county fair who keeps losing at tic-tac-toe to a chicken. He isn't savvy enough to lie and spout the usual pious bullshit that literally every other president has said in this situation, because he's a narcissistic psychopath.

They'd probably recognize the logo but couldn't tell you anything about the character. I could recognize Hello Kitty, but ask me, "What do you know about her?" and you'll get an awkward silence while I look it up on my phone.

Very true. I teach writing, and when I was starting out, I found out how universal Titanic is. EVERYONE knows it, teens, adults, foreign students. Twilight Zone, Star Trek, Spider-Man might all draw blank stares, but everyone knows Titanic.
But everyone also forgets how Titanic is really a very long flashback.

I was there, too, and it was fantastic. My only, very tiny, gripe is that he doesn't revise the older (say, Sargent Pepper) stuff so that it's something a band can play live, without pre-recorded or synthesized effects.

There were a ton of them, they are just not as sexy as the mean things DLC people said about Bernie or John Podesta's Pizzagate, so you figure out what the networks lead with.

There were no babies?

"Don't leave me, baby.. I Subaru you"

Why not use the anti-meta tech from Argus to dampen the area around Infantino St. ? Then there's none of this speedster bs, just Good Barry and Bad Barry beating the crap out of each other.

Yeah, these longer seasons end up being 12 episodes of 'meh', 7 of 'pretty good' and 3 of 'awesome!'.

Yeah, but it does have that word-salad incoherence

Mr President, is that you?

Just after they refund the billions they made off the last few bloated books.

Too soon!

Unfortunately, their safe space is the White House.

Reagan would say the right thing, accept responsibility, but he'd never follow through by doing the right thing.

Who doesn't like to dress up like Dracula and beat up clowns?

Acting is work. It's going in when your hung over and don't feel like it, or your director was extra-pissy yesterday, or your LDR just dumped you. Acting is getting makeup and costume on and waiting around for technical problems to be resolved, and then doing the same thing over and over the exact same way, while

No, he dives right into trying to solve her problem.

They did refrain from having the Queen stop by to wonder "What would We do without you, Mr Holmes?"

A couple of things really bothered me. First, once Euros makes it pretty clear that she's not playing fair, why does Sherlock continue to carry on as if she is? Playing the "kill one of your bros" game was just stupid and predictable, did anyone really think either of them would die?
Second, that montage at the end!