Sperm Bank Holiday

I'd call it half a good movie, the half that wasn't a total ripoff off the first Superman movie.

Maybe he eats them, but he shits them out, like, 8 years later.

I found it way over the top.

It's his m.o., he's a kidnapper. Taking their loved ones hostage makes folks do what you want them to. What made this so frustrating is that nobody (Wells, in particular) double-crossed Zoom or even anticipated the kidnapping and planned a trap. He kidnaps people regularly, after the 5th or 6th time, it's a pattern

Your story checks out.


She was very persuasive playing the lady in the cat litter commercial.

Those "brakes" were useless.

Yes! I was a 13 yr old lightweight & I (stupidly) went down the most challenging slide. On every turn my sled went flying out from under me. After 2-3 times, I got off and limped down the mountain.

Give me 50cc's of foam, STAT!

Yeah, not double-crossing Zoom was mystifying. I'd expect Barry to be a bit naive, but for Wells to go along with it was really stupid. Has "Let's give the evil psycho killer everything he wants and then he'll leave us alone" ever worked?

"This time will be different"

The Cloisters?
The location for the chat with Vikner was Bronx Community College, the busts you saw behind them as they walked were in the Hall of Fame for Great Americans on the BCC campus. It was the first hall of fame in the US.

Elementary isn't a pure adaptation, it's a hybrid, merging classic Holmes stories with the police procedural. Just as superhero tv adaptations have largely dispensed with the secret identity, Elementary has dispensed with Sherlock showing up the police. Ultimately, Sherlock serves justice, having him antagonize his

Problem is, the entire fucking show is based on time travel, and it does fall apart. If they stressed the goofiness of it, they would have a much livelier show. Instead, they keep coming back to "Stop Savage/save Rip's family," which is unfortunate, because 1) it drains the goofiness and 2) if they succeed, the show

The fact that they had such a hard time casting young Anakin should have been the tip off. Kids who can really act are rare birds, and making one try to act using Lucas' shitty dialog is just cruel. It takes John Gielgud to make sense out of that crap.

Too soon!

Agreed. Nobody but Alec Guiness could make lines like "You'll never get away with this, Darth" sound like they came from a human being.

Agreed. It was a stupid contrivance in Star Wars, it's only slightly less stupid here.

I thought Tony marrying her before she left was a genius move on his part; there's a world of difference between "I have a boyfriend" and "I'm married."