Sperm Bank Holiday

The thing is, it wasn't really her decision. Miss Kelly essentially blackmails her into doing the right thing. The movie goes out of its way to show what a difficult choice Eilis has to make, and then she doesn't really make it.

Shipping her with herself isn't wrong, is it?

Like we need more reasons to hate Jay Leno

I'd give this one a C+, I saw the Dad was guilty a mile away. Two things really jump out in this egregiously stupid main mystery:1) It strains credibility to have this fairly normal guy, murder that woman as a preventative measure, then come up with this convoluted scheme of killing a homeless guy and stitching a bomb

I'm sure he's in line to inherit the most, and having someone finger Sherlock would contribute to his estrangement from Morland.
So, yeah.


6 year olds are SO immature!

Money is even more helluva drug


What is a dome, but a lampshade you put over a city?

He's a requirement for when they cover "YMCA".

Truly, everything would be awesome.

But judges and cops go for that shit every time!

Jon Stewart, Inglourious Basterd?

I would totally pay-per-view that!

"Iambic pentameter, motherfucker! Do you speak it?"

Internet will bring you porn and these are not the droids you're looking for.

"If you want to hang out, you've gotta take her out, cocaine
If you want to get down, get down on the ground, cocaine"


Hey, Jude