I've got a crazy idea for The Simpsons endgame. Just let them age. They're out of solid plot lines now but if they just actually all age a year each season maybe something could spark again.
I've got a crazy idea for The Simpsons endgame. Just let them age. They're out of solid plot lines now but if they just actually all age a year each season maybe something could spark again.
I've got a crazy idea for The Simpsons endgame. Just let them age. They're out of solid plot lines now but if they just actually all age a year each season maybe something could spark again.
I've had it up to here with your Bobo revisionism.
I've had it up to here with your Bobo revisionism.
I think The Sopranos was trying to show that a complete lack of insight into yourself, selfishness and willful ignorance were traits that could almost 'turn' you into a sociopath. I don't think Chase is really trying to go for any diagnostic accuracy but by constantly invoking that word he's drawing a connection…
I think The Sopranos was trying to show that a complete lack of insight into yourself, selfishness and willful ignorance were traits that could almost 'turn' you into a sociopath. I don't think Chase is really trying to go for any diagnostic accuracy but by constantly invoking that word he's drawing a connection…
It is easily the most cringe-worthy moment of violence in the show.
It is easily the most cringe-worthy moment of violence in the show.
Is it just me or does every second review by Todd have a swipe at Breaking Bad?
Is it just me or does every second review by Todd have a swipe at Breaking Bad?
If you find the Russian let us know.
If you find the Russian let us know.
Someone should make a doom mod of Richards rampage.
Someone should make a doom mod of Richards rampage.
1) He needs to show strength against Maserea so he doesn't try anything again. Maserea would be pissed off but it will make him reconsider a fight next time.
1) He needs to show strength against Maserea so he doesn't try anything again. Maserea would be pissed off but it will make him reconsider a fight next time.
Well it sort of came together with the abortion, which was as good a conclusion as you could have possibly hoped for with that story.
Well it sort of came together with the abortion, which was as good a conclusion as you could have possibly hoped for with that story.
The most annoying thing about Margaret was how transparently shoehorned in she was. You could see the writers trying to avoid the Rita/Betty/Skyler trope but in forcing a plot line so removed from everything else they fell into the same traps.
The most annoying thing about Margaret was how transparently shoehorned in she was. You could see the writers trying to avoid the Rita/Betty/Skyler trope but in forcing a plot line so removed from everything else they fell into the same traps.