Unbridled Enthusiasm

I staged the first one. I did it for $400 and it almost killed me.

That more or less sums up my issues with it except the art style was uninspired and the famous ice castle scene looked like screen-saver from 1999. Were the characters interesting? I felt like there were so many none of them were developed.

Am I the only person who thought Frozen was rubbish?

Spot on review. The mystery/thriller element overcomplicated a solid drama. Still it's nice to see a decent Australian film.

I've said it once before and I'll say it again. The AV Club  HAS to cover Oz. There's a reason it kicks off Sepinwall's book: it changed everything. It's also criminally under-appreciated.

Does that mean all the spanish scenes will be shot in English?

Only while in his Iron Man suit does Tony Stark have the sobriety to contemplate how dull his furniture actually is.

If there isn't TV Club classic coverage of Oz soon then there's gonna be a riot!

Count me in the 'why is Oz never mentioned on TV Club' club. Variety is great and actually shows how Barry Mannilow can be used for good!

I once saw Lou Reed perform an impromptu encore of Sweet Jane with Sharon Jones at the end of his Berlin concert. It was in a quite formal, seated theatre, suitable for the extremely austere and depressing concept album. Once he started playing that everyone surged to the stage where  I got front and center, even

I saw him do it as well but unfortunately I knew it was a common occurrence.

Now waste your family and I'll give you a beer!

I used to have an old CD copy of De Stijl that didn't feature the parenthetical. Made the punch line more effective in the song.

That's fare enough but I got this sense that people were enjoying the first two/three seasons and then stopping there because they thought it was about to go downhill.

I also found Mad Men's first few seasons not especially great. I remember it was getting roughly the same amount of praise it does now back then but I was never completely convinced. I pretty much watched it as it came out but I didn't start getting particularly excited until Season 4. I should probably see if that's

Oh how wrong you are. Buffy's second season is way too melodramatic most of the time and the first season is just… poor. It hints at being a good show without ever becoming one. Season 4 contains two of the best episodes of the entire series and while it's big bad arc is underdone that was never really what the show

You call that a knife? THIS is a knife!

Despite it's dark bits (which feel more superficial than anything) it has such an infectious energy to it. After seeing it I felt really good.

Where's the Lynch at? In Dreams? Every Little Star? Crying? Sycamore Trees?

Ditto on watching it last night with a massive grin. Holy motors may be the ultimate feel good movie. Now whenever I'm feeling down I just remind myself to laugh before midnight.