
Actually, the parties flipped polarity. The Democratic party grew a moral backbone and via the magic of Lee Atwater's southern strategy the Republican party became the home for bigoted ex-democrats. I guess it depends on your frame of reference.

it was ok, but really just a bunch of effects out takes and a confused looking black dude in a desert. It would have been nice to reference the original films with something more than the Millennium Falcon and a bunch of sand.

Of course, knowing Abrams he'll blow up Luke, Leia and Han in the first 15 minutes and then give us another hour and a half of their teenage children being all dark and snarky.

How hard would it have been to do this.. Scene: A dark forbidding forest. A cloaked figure moves into view. Luke's theme plays softly as the figure raises his lightsaber and ignites it. The light from the sword illuminates Mark Hammel's face, cue Star Wars theme. Jeez, it's not rocket science.

not half bad.. and firsties!

Insert white dude has much bigger gun joke..

They're the biggest wimps in wimpsylvania.

Wait, weren't the dinos in the first book genetically modified? As I recall, they had amphibian DNA added to replace segments the scientists couldn't find and that lead to some female dinos morphing into males..

about 3-4 inches and not so sweet..

Thankfully, no.

You just need to be sufficiently Aryan and super.

Bronson, but not Lee. Lee could really beat almost anybody, but he never really gave off an aura of menace.

Actual badasses who really went to war? David Niven (commando), Henry Fonda (bomber crew) James Stewart (bomber pilot), Audy Murphy (infantry war hero), Bob Keenan aka Captain Kangaroo (combat marine).

I think Danny Devito did it first.

Me too and I liked it.

The guy was a fool. Everybody knows you hire a hitman, get drunk and then go find a cop to harass until he arrests you for drunk & disorderly. You'd be fine as long as Barnaby Jones or Richy Brockelman isn't on the case.

Clyde Bruckman did say she doesn't die…

twice in one day?

Gee, only two people got my lame joke?