
Isn't she getting too old for this shit?

Somebody should tell these guys they could avoid using flashlights all the time if they'd just invest in some lab space lighting.

Wasn't there recently a bit on NPR about the German Intelligence services migrating to paper for highly sensitive material. This was done after the Snowdon NSA revelations.

Maybe we should crowd source a project to fund having some guys from Blackwater hunt these asshats down?

"We've been on kind of a tech binge for the last 200 years, and then novelty is wearing thin. I'd be surprised if it kept going like this for much longer." there I fixed that for ya.

so, just like Manhattan?

Wow! That's the sort of incisive and original commentary I come to AV Club to read. Hey Guys! What do you say, should we let Rob join the club?……. Guys?

Don't go there. There are a ton of cybernetic AVClubinains around here and they don't respond well to questions like that.

I know it a radical idea, but it's how us red electroids roll.

Repeat after me. "Everything cappadocius says is a lie.".

There's a third and much more horrible possibility.. Pervy Obit's dad is a Jimmy Buffett fan..a.. a… Parrothead. I'm sooo sorry.

The beautiful bit is that you don't have to keep it. You can download it, watch it and then erase it. Amazing, huh?

Or we could use several islands and hold trials and a championship. The islands could even be themed. Poptarts on one island, shock jocks, aging action heroes (Hollywood tough guys), political pundits and washed-up rock stars on others. The survivors get to advance to the next set of islands until only one ultimate

Virga is when the rain gods are teasing you just before the monsoon starts up.

Oh my god! Hershey is part of the matriarchal conspiracy!

How's about we put them on an island with an active volcano and have them hunt each other with a wide variety of lethal implements? The winner is the last person alive and we toss him or her into the caldera. Just trying to make some entertaining TV.

The Die Hard movies started sucking when the Bruce Willis character went from being everyman to being Bugs Bunny with a gun. The people making the films just don't understand what made the first one so great. What made it great is perfectly encapsulated in the "bare feet and broken glass" scene. Which probably

Actual fun space?

Pong or get out!

I used to get Steve Winwood, James Spader or Eric Stoltz. Thankfully, I now have way more hair than James Spader.