
I have a transgendered relative and I'm slowly learning to use people's preferred pronouns. It's not easy when you basically grew up in Mayberry.

"normal" and "abnormal" are loaded terms. My LGBT friends are perfectly "normal".

And with that Hitler guy in 33.

But in 3 he stops being a human and becomes indestructible. The "getting shot out of a manhole" stunt really ruins what made the "Die Hard" movies different.

Nope, 3 is when McClane goes from being human to being Bugs Bunny. He get's shot out of a manhole thirty feet into the air by a wall of water and lands on the pavement and then continues chasing the bad guy. I've seen a guy fall thirty feet onto pavement, they don't get back up.

At this point the people who invented the Internet are over 65.

I'm not sure what exactly "scary" means in the context of film. I can easily be manipulated by jump scares and splatter films make me queasy. Monsters and the supernatural don't scare me much at all (since I don't believe in the supernatural). On the other hand, realistic horror like "The Silence of the Lambs"

Why isn't De Niro in that? It's perfect for late career I-don't-care Robert De Niro.

" it’s going to be super sad to watch whenever Tom Petty and Anthony Hopkins die." But apparently, Sean Penn's death will be freaking hilarious.

Wang Chi in "Big Trouble in Little China"

How about Riley? Major character in two episodes of TOS and AWOL ever since.

To be fair, I think Sting and the boys were trying to be creepy on Synchronicity. I'm pretty sure Sting pointed out , at the time, that the guy in Every Breath You Take is explicitly a creep.

Just tell her it's better than a one-way trip to "the farm".

Well, that was pretty damn close to libel or whatever you call "falsely accusing a company of making shit products". Properly done up, harnesses do not fail. The force needed to break a harness buckle would probably break the users back before the buckle broke.

That was the best part of the movie. Usually in action films the protagonist comes off like some sort of emotionless killing machine, but in Cliffhanger Stallone acts like a normal person would when confronted with a bunch of professional killers, he's scared shitless.

She passed the allowable maximum age for women in Hollywood and was "sent to live on a farm where she can run free and chase rabbits".

Pretty sure the frozen ones are already sufficiently fucked.

It had to be gear failure so that Stallone's character could angst about his failure without actually being responsible, so we'd feel sorry for him. In reality, most climbing deaths are due to climber error, not gear failure.

Actually motorcycle crash unrelated to the movie. He was riding on the way to an ice climb (I think) and hit a rock that had fallen on the road.

Well, most of us "members of the climbing community" though it was completely unrealistic, but still silly fun. This is similar to how the special operations, private military contracting and henchperson's communities feel about most action movies.