
Canada has had no jails since they instituted the death penalty for all infractions.

no…. (sad trombone sound)

You mean the war between the incredibly hot pop singers and mere mortals? How can we compete?

That's my line.

They were dead last in our "infiltrating other societies" class.

Interdimensional ELECTRIODS GOGDAMMIT! We are NOT lizard people, thank you very much.


Does "darker sorts" include red electroids? Just asking for a friend.

A nearly perfect summation of most Stephen King novel reading experiences.

I'll never forgive them for turning a fun and lovable, if highly deranged, Miguelito Loveless into a racist asshole. He was a really fun bad guy in the series. The Kennith Brannagh version was just joyless evil.

If you only knew the pain that to do-gooders cause us. It ain't easy being a unhuman megalomaniac. At least Zod has a actual god-like superhuman to arch him. I have to make do with a gang of nerd musicians who think they're Japanese cowboys and give each other idiotic code names. So embarrassing.

Uma Thurman reads this, immediately and permanently moves to an undisclosed location.

It shows him how much better the world would have been if he had produced more seasons of Titan Maximum and less Robot Chicken.

As long as they shave Denzel's head.. Seriously though, Denzel will be great. The question is whether they can reproduce the chemistry that Brynner and McQueen had in the original. That level of laid-back macho cool is hard to achieve with modern actors.

By modern standards Nixon would be a moderate Democrat, which shows you just how far right the country has been pulled. Republicans used to believe in good governance, but the party was taken over by a bunch of anti-government fanatics.

My wife just tells people that her husband is a violent psychopathic alien from Planet 10. As long as she isn't being harassed by that jackass Banzai and his gang of do-gooders it usually works pretty well.

I just love the "nope, that's not a valuable antique" segments. One
episode a old guy brought in a Walker Colt percussion pistol. The
expert looks at it and asks the guy, "Do you know what this is?". And
the guy replies, "It's a genuine Walker Colt and it's worth $100,000!".
The expert then says, "Well it would be

The point is that we did work with "Los Pepes" (associated with the Cali Cartel) in order to undermine the Medellín Cartel. Covert wars make for strange bedfellows. How often have we provided support to one group of people who we don't like in the Middle East, in order to mess with another group we don't like a bit

Have you read "Killing Pablo"? Not nearly as convoluted as the

The CIA have, on occasion, done some seriously batshit things. I'd suggest "working with one cartel to undermine another" isn't all that out of character for an organization that has arranged coups in multiple countries, carries out targeted killings on a weekly basis and has tortured prisoners in the recent past.