
I'm pretty sue all Australian PMs look like this…


When Joe Strummer died, it felt like a kick in the gut. I'm not sure who else might affect me that much, maybe Bowie or Tom Petty. Clint Eastwood or Robert De Niro or Segorny Weaver or any of a a couple of dozen actors and actresses I particularly enjoy. So many of the greats of the 60s and 70s are already gone.

Good God, that will be depressing.

If that god-damned Banzai dies before I kill him, I'll really be upset.

That's setting the bar pretty low, monkeyboy (or girl).

There was one at the Steinhart in San Francisco that would climb out of its aquarium, cross the room, climb into the spiny lobster exhibit, have dinner AND then go home to its own aquarium. It took the aquarists weeks to figure why the lobsters kept disappearing. Octopi LOVE lobsters and crab.

Pink Amazon river dolphins for me, they're surreal in real life. pepto-bismol colored 10 foot long dolphins in a jungle, what else could you want? I got to swim with some in Boliva about 15 years ago.

I was watching some anime with my wife and one of the characters was going on about the hero's clavicles. I said, "Clavicles?!? WTF!". My wife says, "Yeah. Clavicles are hot.". The more you know.


Yes, scientists are human too. But we tend to have a sense of self-preservation. Lots of people I work with in the field can be silly, be into risky sports, like to get wasted and generally act like anybody else when they're "off the clock". Reasonably intelligent people tend not to act like knuckleheads when they're

Nor "The Kraken Wakes", which is one of the best end-of-the-world / alien invasion novels..

But seriously, the 1980's BBC version of Day of the Triffids was really well done (apart from the 1908s BBC "special" effects). as I recall, it was pretty well acted and naturalistic, no crappy CGI to spoil the atmosphere.

Get off my lawn!

Not with Triffids around.

The BBC did a really good version back in the 80s, can't we just watch that again?

The reason I hate this movie is the freaking stupid scientists. Scientists can have a lot of bad characteristics (although they're usually awesome people), but being an idiot isn't one of them. Prometheus is another film ruined by the characterization of the scientists. I know a crap ton of ecologists, geologists,

"Sir, I'd like to suggest we stand back at a safe distance and let the Navy boys plink at him with a bunch of AGM-84s."

Where I live, it's going to be open season. I don't know whether to be more worried about stupid drones scaring my horses or bullets falling on us from people shooting at the drones.

Moss and Chigurh never meet. Moss is killed by a "random" Mexican hitmnan.