Random Lego Guy


This sounds brickin' stupid, and I'm Random Lego Guy. It sounds almost as bad as the Legoland game show "Block Party"…for obvious reasons.

I like the blue guy, he sort of looks like my cousin Brickner after that four year old got to him. It's funny, sometimes we call him Blues Man. It's really not funny though. The marker made him crazy. He just speaks gibberish now…

After the Lego Movie (my fingers are crossed! Come onnnn plucky sidekick!) but before the Herculoids movie.

Me too! I used to get my bricks off to her like five times a week in syndication until my mom caught me :( :( In the mean time, I can build her a nice house…


Never heard of it. I have seen the Lion King though, if that's similar.

I want this played at my funeral. Also to be played at my funeral (if I ever die, everyone knows Lego's are almost immortal): The theme song from "Friends" (for obvious reasons) and "Brick House" (for not so obvious reasons).

Brickster should have ended when Detective Blocks exploded in the castle. Season two ruled.

Now the Aquanauts! Those were some good guys! I used to love coming down to the pier when they were on leave…in those yellow outfits…memories.

God, I know! Dismemberment and rape is soooo 2009, like Atlantis Legos. I mean, who likes them anyway? Being underwater is for losers. Bitter? I'm not bitter. A fella can't hate them damn Atlantians for not inviting me to join their underwater base? I don't want to go down there anyways! …Unless they invited me or

Mega Bloks? You want to see a Mega Bloks movie? You might as well sell your car and give the money to terrorists. The only good Mega Blok is a dead Mega Blok. I'm going to puke.

You know me surprisingly well…

So…should I do my "You got cancer" monologue or my "Don't break up with me" monologue? God, I'm so nervous. FINALLY! A movie for us! I wonder if they have a spot I can plug my boombox into. Can't do a dramatic monologue without blasting "3 AM". I'm gonna act my bricks off! Ooo! I'll bring my tap dancing shoes too!

I don't care what anyone says, my monologue from "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" was fantastic. I really sunk my plastic into that one.

What about a Lego kid? We have lax adoption standards. Three year old human's take groups of us everyday.

More like "Lego…to the zoo! Cause this idea is bananas!" Heh…

It's based on the sentiment held by many humans that we all look the same. To you, I'm just some random Lego guy.

Random Lego Guy would play everyone's favorite bartender, Brickley.

I…I still have a lot to learn about this world, I suppose. But then again, we all have a lot to learn about this world. Aren't we all students in life? And Earth, love, and relationships our teachers? I truly look forward to taking this, the final course in life's great school, with you all.