Random Lego Guy

I thought he was a Lego guy…

Too bad those guys didn't remove…ah, nevermind. I gotta go to Lego Church today and I'm in no mood to be asking for forgiveness all day. I'm getttin' drunk!


The Brick City Brawlers could help us. They ripped my cousin Ricky's hands off. Now he has black Lego hands :(

If you bring Megabloks into this conversation, then you better be ready for some pain. Those disgusting, cheap, poor, smelly, pumpkin-headed abortions need to be exterminated. Viva la Lego!

So you have seen the show! I love you guys…

B-b-but, I love pizza…

Are they ever going to adapt the Legoland classic "Block Like Me"? That show was the perfect combination of comedy and heart. Remember that scene in episode 3 when human Laura (played by wonderful Lego actress Brickly Stewart) cries because she wants removable hair? Oh my god…amazing! MAKE THIS NOW NBC.

When is 30 Block coming back?

Random Lego Guy

That's fucking disgusting.

It was an accident. You try typing with no fingers and c-shaped hands!

Mega Bloks!!! If I got sewn between two Mega Bloks I'd puke into the first guy's butt, eat it, and poop that nastiness into the last guy! And it's not like I'd have to be accurate, their giant pumpkin heads are an easy target!

The Human Centipede is a scary and all too real possibility for Lego people. Trust me, we're well aware of the fact that our head pegs fit into the holes in the back of Lego people's legs. I don't know what you humans are bitching about, we're made for this! And don't forget, we're the ones that started the shitting a

Brickin' ridiculous! I double posted. Read my comment below.

Yoooouuu! Crank dat Lego boy…

Me either. I love boys. Boys love playing with me. Nothing is better than playing with boys alone in there room…

Lego and proud, baby.

Emma Stone is already tied up?! Then what are we doing here?! Let's get our bricks out!

The sample is the grunting and weird screaming sound….