Random Lego Guy

Who let the Legos out?! Who! Who! Who! Who! Who let the Legos out?! I think you guys can take the song from here…

He sort of looks like Lego person, doesn't he? How can one person's head be so cylinder shaped? In other news, I'm throwing my hat in the ring to play him in his Lifetime movie. My headshot speaks for itself.

More importantly, did it disparage Lego people?

Agreed. Any show that thinks it's funny to disparage Legos (no matter how ridiculous some of my brothers can be) isn't entertainment, it's racism. Is this what you people find funny? It's 2011! You people sicken me.

Good thing you guys haven't seen the Legoland version. OMG, That girl LaBricka was so annoying. Calm down, it's music, not an orgasm.


#OccupyLegoland Am I cool yet?

#OccupyLegoland Am I cool yet?

I once pegged Lisa Simpson. She's not really 8, she was like 20. And she isn't named Lisa, she's named Jacob. And it wasn't Lisa Simpson, it was my college roommate. And I'm going to stop talking now.

I hate their giant feet and smelly, pumpkin heads. They look like deformed penises.

I wasn't lucky enough to have glasses printed on my face, so no 3D for me :(

You're thinking of Brickflix-Brickster. Completely different.

I don't support the cross-racial casting of Mega Bloks. Mega Bloks can die!

In Legoland we have a cheaper, localized version called "Brickster". I love when he got too close to that pirate and detached his head. Epic! And remember when he came home and found his wife's legs detached? OMG. That was heart-wrenching!

Torturer! Torturer!

It's like that time I compared Ninjago to Franklin Pierce. That got me in some hot water!

We used to call it a hi-c (because of our c-shaped hands) but we got sued by some juice company.

I'm on hi-five status with the Bionicle guys. Pretty much the same thing…

This guy makes me think of Saul Goodman.

The inside isn't. Smells like Icy Hot and stale Doritos. I think Jose Canseco lives there.