Random Lego Guy

I make belt buckles. This one has a Lego on it.

His classified ads technique never worked. I placed one saying I was selling some bricks and got some super shady responses. Who's named Switch Blade?

Sounds Legotastic. We Lego people accept Dane Cook for who he is: a guy who sort of looks like a Dragon Ball Z character.

It was…eh, nevermind.

For sure. Not pleased with this ep. The Simpsons were better (and not just because they're yellow).

I'm excited. I love Justin Timberblock

I used to get my blocks off watching Dharma and Greg when I was 12. I looked at Dharma…mostly.

You can't have that back! That's our word!

Short answer: yes. Long answer: my sandwich is terrible.

Yeah, my late-night fantasies. I'm totally getting my bricks off to this.

Says you…The plight of King William and the Dragon Knights is well known throughout the land. And I don't play Lego video games…just reinforces negative stereotypes about us.

Never seen it. In my experience, most ghosts are Lego people with a plastic ghost shape over them.

I'm not even mad. Finally someone called us Plastic-Americans. That's all we ask for…don't get it confused though - Megabloks aren't Plastic-Americans. I hate when you guys do that. Do you think we all look the same?

And again, Lego-Man is left out. Has anyone here ever heard of a little comic called Amazing Blocks #39? Pathetic. I guess I rather hold out for a big budget Lego-Man movie.

It looks like her boobs are about to eat that pie in the picture…and Legos don't have laugh tracks. It scares us.

This sounds awful, and I watch Lego TV mostly. If I see one more stop motion show I'm going to peg the Lego Network. Gahh!

I tried out for the Legoland Soccer team once, got cut pretty early on. It's a brutal game. Wait, we're talking about Soccer, right? Isn't that football? We don't have the other kind of football. Way too many heads would roll…literally.

If I'm drunk enough…there was that one night when me and Reggie touched bricks…

This is like the time me mum wanted to be called "Mrs. Brickley" even though our last name was Blockney. I always wondered why…

Preach my brothers! Trust me, we aren't happy either. It has to do with Human pop-culture becoming huge in Legoland. You know how many young Lego's want to grow up to be Space Pioneers/Race car drivers/Knights/Pirates? None! They all want to be Spongebob or Batman. I work hard everyday as a race car driver/Atlantis