Random Lego Guy

Friday was Legoland's number 1 movie for a long time. We enjoy the scene where the Brick saves the day. Many children grow up wanting to be a brick like that…

Fact: Say "Lego" three times and Steve Garvey appears. Very scary.

Yeah! Sometimes we switch bottoms too…I like it more than she does. She says I have "issues" in the bedroom.

Something like that…I think I did it wrong.

How dare you speak the name MegaBlok below me?! Be gone!

Soulja Boy needs a new head. All those tattoos are nasty. May I suggest something in the "blank smiley face" style?

Good thing Lego's don't wear pants.Though I once got kicked off a Lego plane for putting my peg into…never mind. Let's not remember that.


This is amazing…………I just lost my bricks. Good thing Lego's don't have asses…

It's like the time we built a badass race car out of my Uncle Bobby. He always said, "Last wishes, brickers race my pieces".

We can learn…

I'd peg her…

And still no Lego people! Brick this man…You're telling me one of the Bionicle guys didn't make the cut? The Dragon King? The Chief of the Islanders? This is horse hockey!

Well I wouldn't want my sister marrying one you nasty skin sacks! Lego's are a proud people; it's people like you that make us not want to date outside our race. I support banana/vanilla or banana/chocolate relations, but idiots like you make it hard.

We add more bricks as you get older. I just added my son Jimmy's fifth brick today. They grow up so fast…

Human pregnancy sounds so messy. Lego people just build our kids. I remember my Aunt Peg used to always say "I built you and I can un-build you, so behave!" Which was weird because she was my Aunt…and we have the same color hair…and my brothers and sisters look nothing like me…oh god!

You're right…Megablocks are the real enemy here. I once spit on a picture of the Megablock Pope…killed my music career. I refuse to take it back, though.

You realize that's like a torture device for us, right?

So, La Pipe, you're the one! That wasn't funny. We don't know how to get that stuff off…my cousin Buildy keeps trying to wear dresses. He's 40. And a man.

I can't quit you.