Peter Bonerz

underrated comment

The use of the repetitive back-and-forths and those nauseating "Big Speeches" completely ruin everything.

The use of the repetitive back-and-forths and those nauseating "Big Speeches" completely ruin everything.

Of course the humor is broad, but took me a while to notice how slightly
off the rhythm of the dialogue is.  It's subtle and probably
unintentional, but I think it better engages the viewer for the full 22
minutes or whatever.   In a lot of network comedies I think you just
kind of feel when the jokes are coming and

Of course the humor is broad, but took me a while to notice how slightly
off the rhythm of the dialogue is.  It's subtle and probably
unintentional, but I think it better engages the viewer for the full 22
minutes or whatever.   In a lot of network comedies I think you just
kind of feel when the jokes are coming and

Well, no, and aren't >90% of LOL's on this site supposed to be ironic?

Well, no, and aren't >90% of LOL's on this site supposed to be ironic?



I think they especially fucked up by not calling it "Men At: Work", which would allow for infinite franchise possibilities.
"Men At: Sporting Events"
"Men At: The Orthopedist"

I think they especially fucked up by not calling it "Men At: Work", which would allow for infinite franchise possibilities.
"Men At: Sporting Events"
"Men At: The Orthopedist"

The outro music is so dirty.

The higher the dogs…

I liked this one.
Like others here, I hadn't been too excited about TB and The Glaze, but I'm beginning to realize how well they fit in to the show's world.  If you think about these characters outside the context of a given episode, they're suddenly a lot funnier.

I was hoping for questions about his genitals too.

R.I.P. Mike.
I miss him nearly as much as Mighty Joe John.

Song 1:

did somebody say skins?

I have to admire the restraint of the writers.  'FRRT' is such a powerful comedic weapon, and they use it rather sparingly.  I laughed my lipples off when Trish hit that sample on the suit.

Bummer, no new songs.