
I love Pappy & Harriet's. I saw Redd Kross there last year, and it was one of the top-five shows of my life. Spent the entire set standing about five feet in front of Steven McDonald.

Yeah, I probably could have come up with a better example. There are some good songs on the later records.

I was in Las Vegas last year with two older guys (mid-60s) who had never had White Castle. I took them there in the middle of the night when we were all smashed out of our minds, and they couldn't stop raving about how absolutely GREAT it was. They went back the next day, sober, and were like: "What is this shit? How

Even better, he's actually 73!

I'm with you on Undercover. It's the last one that I love totally. I think what changed was that Jagger seemed to lose his sense of humor. The later records are just so earnestly "rocking". The cocaine-and-smeared mascara Jagger was fantastic. The aerobics-and-"You Got Me Rocking" Jagger bores the hell out of me.

Wow, "Motherfucker Music" —- that's a great idea for a playlist!
Tad's "Behemoth" uses "motherfucker" well.
Pussy Galore "Handshake" has one of my favorite lyrics: "I'm a son of a bitch/Motherfucker's my name!"

"Hand of Fate" is probably my favorite post-"Exile", pre-"Some Girls" rock track from them. I'm definitely with you on plugging "Connection" in over "Happy", though.

Oh, come on. Now you're just Winning Ugly.

You know it! I live all the way out in West Portal, but will make the trip to North Beach just for some Golden Boy.

@disqus_g1mssakybo:disqus -The Gold Cane is a few blocks down, on the same side of the street. Murio's is the bar next door to Amoeba. It used to be a vomit-smelling dive (in ways both good and bad), but the bar was totally remodeled a few years ago. One of my friends works there. They are really laid back about

@Palmer45:disqus - Man, I wish Cheeseboard was an option close to SF Amoeba. They are so good.

It is such great bar. Hey, speaking of Ireland's 32: For 25 years, my pal had an annual "Geary Street Shuffle". Everybody met in the Richmond, and the goal was to hit every bar on Geary heading east. Ireland's 32 was always one of his favorite stops on the route.

SF Amoeba just has the clinic where people can get their cards. No dispensary yet. SPARC has been trying to open a location on Haight, but a lot of the neighbors are fighting it.

I'd probably end up with some pretty interesting purchases that way. Looks like I know what I'm doing tomorrow!

I live in SF, so shop at the Haight Street Amoeba. I've followed the same ritual for almost a dozen years: Buy records at Amoeba, eat at Fat Slice, then get drunk at the Gold Cane.

"Rumble" is a blast. I've been playing Bo Diddley's "Road Runner" lately, which is also a lot of fun. However, like you, I'm slow when it comes to changing to B7.

Yeah! I remember that now. The same company also had a Jim Bowie beer, but we didn't sell many of those.

And in the early 90s there was Crazy Horse. We sold 40s of that at the bar where I worked. We had to pour them into plastic pitchers, because otherwise the customers would attack each other with the bottles.

I used to work for a booze importer, and Baltika was one of our brands. That stuff was very hard to sell, especially if the customer actually wanted to taste it.

@Ellsw@avclub-f9e1b74986ef91100415c120c46fcd3c:disqus is talking about a different band. The one featured in this article was from Columbus, and signed to Homestead Records in the '80s. The leader, Ron House, went on to form Thomas Jefferson Slave Apartments.