
@capawesome:disqus - @avclub-fbb2edb68e804720ff2593eff56ae190:disqus is steering you in the right direction here. I'd definitely catch them at the Casbah in San Diego, which is one of the very finest music clubs in the country. I live in San Francisco, so will catch them up here. Maybe we'll run into each other!

@avclub-fbb2edb68e804720ff2593eff56ae190:disqus - I saw Redd Kross do a fantastic show there a couple of years ago, but I'll avoid the venue in the future for all of the reasons you laid out below (or above) in this thread. Let me add this to your (accurate) list of problems with this joint: They charged me $11 for a

What, in a bad way?

I'll be at the SF one, too.

It's a Pittsburgh thing, and it should be spelled "yinz".

Thanks for the heads up on the Ry Cooder/Aces thing! I will definitely check that one out.
Like @dellarigg:disqus, I would like to hear your thoughts on the new Stones record.

@avclub-24285ac5fdc310a2a0b518e5d86cd608:disqus — It's the opposite for me. I can't handle cannabis without having a couple of drinks first. I live in San Francisco, and have had some stuff here that freaked me out as much as any acid trip I ever took in my college days.

I turned 46 this year. And yes, it gets worse.

@avclub-24285ac5fdc310a2a0b518e5d86cd608:disqus - Wow, what a seriously great story! Just read it aloud to my wife, who knows all of the locations you visited. She was so happy to hear about your adventures, and I'm glad that you had such a fantastic experience there (outside of the busted romance, of course).

I have to respectfully disagree with you on the Rangpur.

I'd love to hear about your time in Latvia, Concrete! My Latvian MIL loves Balzam with black currant juice, which she tells me is a traditional drink there. During my time in Riga, I saw people drink shots of it, pour it on ice cream and splash it on breakfast food. Coincidentally, I worked for the CA importer of

@bizarrosacrelicious:disqus - Have to head to work, but would enjoy talking to you about your setup/gear when you have time.

Wow, I'm definitely going to try out that B7 shape/position that you're using now. Thanks for the tip. What are you working on as far as solo concepts? That stuff is interesting to me, as I'm almost exclusively a rhythm player. If I have to solo (which is rarely), I just try to remember my scales.

I'll check that one out, too. Don't know if you remember, but you were playing "Rumble" and I was playing "Road Runner", and we were both having trouble switching to B7 on time. Are you still working on it?

Balzams is,admittedly, an acquired taste. My wife's mom is from Latvia, and I was lucky enough to visit Riga a few years ago. Every single time that I ordered a shot of the stuff with my beer, the bartender would switch to English and ask me if I understood what I was doing.

Yeah, my experience with valve amps has pretty much been plugging in to ones that belonged to my friends. There are so many great modelling amps now, and you are much more well-versed on that one than me. Hell, I have an old Boss BR 900 digital multi-tracker, and I still use the "dirty wah" guitar setting, though it

Oh, I'm an accidental Rickenbacker man. I'd been playing the same Telecaster for a dozen years or so, and wanted to get something different. It's a long story, but I just got lucky with these two guitars (the last two I'll ever have purchased, according to my wife).

Thanks so much for the rundown! I have been seriously looking at an Orange Tiny Terror, but didn't know if it would make much difference for me, considering how much I rely on noisy pedals. My two good guitars are Rickenbackers ('84 Model 481, '05 650 Dakota). I've been using an overdrive pedal from Earthquaker

I'd be interested in knowing which amps you've gone through this year. Was the 4th time the charm? I have a couple of really sweet guitars, but my amps are cheap solid state Fenders.

I sold craft/independent spirits for a living for many years, and grew to appreciate things that were not up my alley. I could drink damn near anything (Black Balzams from Latvia!), and got wrecked every day. Even back then, I would have chosen sobriety over gin.