
I thought I was pretty smart by knowing that the first Congress didn't convene in 1776, so went immediately to 1789 and (with great, smug confidence) told my wife that it had to be George H. W. Bush. It turns out that I'm not pretty smart.

@avclub-fa3a6526569956b7e39960592bf0e30d:disqus - Light in the Attic is such a great label. That comp sounds really interesting, and I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!


@izebra:disqus - Let me try this again.

@izebra:disqus - I'm getting here pretty late, hope you'll be able to see this:
As you prefer the "atmospheric/majestic" moments, but are still open to the heavy, noisier stuff, you might be best served by going backwards, starting with Soundtracks For The Blind (1996). I'd recommend skipping The Burning World

I live in San Francisco and do hear people claim to be rooting for Brady because he's from San Mateo. Aaron Rodgers is also popular here, as he's from Chico and went to UC Berkeley. The old men at my local tavern are still pissed off that the 49ers took Alex Smith with the first pick of the 2005 draft, when they could

The guy on the far right looks like Richard Trenton Chase, aka "The Vampire of Sacramento".

Federal Bureau of Insemination! (I got that from an old Wiseblood song)

@avclub-9cd818ea56273170b63f339aa6f34bca:disqus - I'm really enjoying your Deadwood thoughts/reviews. As someone who dearly loves the series, it has been interesting to read your "fresh eyes" take on it. Great job, and I look forward to following you the rest of the way!

Well said, Franko!

San Francisco does have a 13th St., actually. It runs between 11th St. and Duboce before turning into Duboce. SF doesn't have a 13th Ave., though (it's Funston Ave.).

Nash and Ed are both originally from Minnesota.

Whoa! I can't thank you enough for providing that link, Rusty Shackelford!

Classic Joe!

San Jose's soccer team is actually called the Earthquakes.

San Jose's soccer team is actually called the Earthquakes.

Peter Laughner was already out of Pere Ubu when he died.

@Starshine - You are totally right, and I shouldn't have made that grand pronouncement. I have heard a lot of digitally-recorded music that was horribly re-mastered for vinyl, and that's what I should have said.
I also agree with your assertion that digital formats are abused by sound engineers.

@The Downfall — The difference you're talking about is the difference between music that was recorded on analog equipment and stuff that was recorded digitally. Buying a vinyl release that was recorded digitally is either dumb or dumbly fetishistic. I have been collecting vinyl for over 25 years, but I also have

@Some Kind of Munster - Sims actually used that money to buy a house in Chicago, in Roscoe Village.