The Vagina Mongoloid

We're even bigger masters of the insincere insult, ya cunt ya.

Speaking of video games, how many are now aware that Orson Scott Card wrote the insults used in the swordfights of the first Monkey Island game (I think the first one) back in 1990? They were one of the best things about that game too. I remember being surprised to see his name in the credits, having read Ender at the

Actually not none. I'm not sure where you're getting your 'none', but almost all of the press that I've read about this movie in the UK press has at least mentioned the controversy, and I've read a few articles that are solely about the controversy and whether it should matter. The few reviews I've read/listened to

I can't wait to see all the "George R.R. Martin watches "Red Wedding" reaction videos" reaction videos, and then show those reaction-reaction-reaction videos to George R.R. Martin to see his reaction.

But, notwithstanding my inability to resist posting a facetious scatological comment, I'm completely with Dunham on this and have nothing but admiration for her frank portrayal of sex and nudity on the show (even if the ending of the second season was a gigantic disappointment).

A big reason I engage in onstreet defecation is to counteract a skewed idea of that act created by the proliferation of toilets.

Saw this recently myself and would give it an A, even an A+. Stellar performances all round, and a gripping drama that masterfully juggles politics, philosophy, romance, and a host of other themes.

Saw this recently myself and would give it an A, even an A+. Stellar performances all round, and a gripping drama that masterfully juggles politics, philosophy, romance, and a host of other themes.

I just, um, sorry, em, this is a really stupid question, emm, but, ahhh, I just wondered if by any chance, em, ahh……I mean obviously not, but I just wondered, um, I mean I really feel, ahh, in short, em, to recap in a slightly clearer version, ahh, in the words of David Cassidy in fact, um, while he was still with the

I just, um, sorry, em, this is a really stupid question, emm, but, ahhh, I just wondered if by any chance, em, ahh……I mean obviously not, but I just wondered, um, I mean I really feel, ahh, in short, em, to recap in a slightly clearer version, ahh, in the words of David Cassidy in fact, um, while he was still with the

Only slightly related, but I've always loved this saying among some film critics about Ben Kingsley: When he's good, he's very very good, but when he's bad, he's Gandhi.

Only slightly related, but I've always loved this saying among some film critics about Ben Kingsley: When he's good, he's very very good, but when he's bad, he's Gandhi.

Shrug Meridian, or The Evening Smugness in the Rich.

Shrug Meridian, or The Evening Smugness in the Rich.

"Vertigo" crossed with "Ulysses", "Like a Rolling Stone", "Hamlet", "The Wire", Picasso's "Guernica", "Shadow of the Colossus", Jennifer Connelly's eyes, Scarlett Johannson's ass, and baked feta cheese. Metacritic would fucking explode.

"Vertigo" crossed with "Ulysses", "Like a Rolling Stone", "Hamlet", "The Wire", Picasso's "Guernica", "Shadow of the Colossus", Jennifer Connelly's eyes, Scarlett Johannson's ass, and baked feta cheese. Metacritic would fucking explode.

That's what she said.

That's what she said.

Hmmm… *opens Google, frantically types "Alison Brie gif boobs jiggle"*

Hmmm… *opens Google, frantically types "Alison Brie gif boobs jiggle"*