The Vagina Mongoloid

No, the Drive soundtrack sounds like something from M83. Or, probably more accurately, both the Drive soundtrack and M83 sound like something from something that sounds something like both the Drive soundtrack and M83, or something.

No, the Drive soundtrack sounds like something from M83. Or, probably more accurately, both the Drive soundtrack and M83 sound like something from something that sounds something like both the Drive soundtrack and M83, or something.

Finally got to see Young around four years ago in Dublin. A great rocking set, partially ruined by a crowd full of twonks who refused to rock out, moaned throughout (and afterwards in reviews on the net) about the occasional ten- or twenty-minute jam in the set and the scarcity of "big hits", and who objected to being

Finally got to see Young around four years ago in Dublin. A great rocking set, partially ruined by a crowd full of twonks who refused to rock out, moaned throughout (and afterwards in reviews on the net) about the occasional ten- or twenty-minute jam in the set and the scarcity of "big hits", and who objected to being

"2 Girls 1 Goblet".

"Slapping Joffrey for 10 minutes with my Littlefinger inserted in my Bronn." I like to call that move "The Tickler".

Fuck the Romans, I'd like to see some movie take it waaay back. That's right – vampire stromatolites.

Yup, it's so much about the sound design. And that off-kilter whistled musical phrase that crops up throughout is brilliantly unsettling.

He did the same with Michael Jackson's 'This Is It'.

Agreed. Having initially heard that the movie follows an unusual genre trajectory from  domestic drama through hitman movie and then on into weirder territory, I dodged all reviews as much as I could, sensing a spoiler minefield. I had guessed what the film might end up doing but thankfully I was wrong. Unfortunately,