
Good pulp?
Scott you seem to want this to be a lot more serious than it appears. I haven't seen it yet so I can't say if its good or not, but I get the impression that its a pulpy action film not a political commentary. I wasn't able to dig up a link but I seem to remeber you disliking the Matrix in your review of it

This episode was the best yet, they have the guts to let things play out as darkly as they need to. The only downside was the insanely bitchy sister-in-law. I wanted to strangle her with a bike lock.

You mean "P.S. I Love You", because "P.S." doesnt have Kudrow in it.

Amazing episode
Great episode, some notes:

Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw
Thats all I have to say about that.

Joplin AND Queen
Someone who sang Janis Joplin got through and then someone who sang Queen got through, thats two big firsts in one night.

I tend to disagree that Paradise reduces the intensity. Sure you can take a leisurely drive around the city, but when you're in the middle of a Race or Road Rage and you're boosting along at top speed the game is still as insane as ever. That incredible sense of speed is really the selling point of the

Charlie had to fufill Desmond's vision in order to ensure they would be rescued. So he had to drown in there. It plays into the show's theme of faith versus reason, Charlie can't logically reason how dieing in there is going to result in people getting rescued but he has faith in Desmond's visions because of their

Did you know
That the name of the funeral parlor where Jack goes in the finale has a name that is an anagram of "flash forward"? The things you learn from pop-up lost…

Ridiculously awesome
That Jethro Tull album cover is actually pretty badass. Nothin is more "rock n roll" than Tolkien.

Rita is in this?
I guess Rita has a thing for violent guys, first Dexter and now Rambo.

Prestige films
I think it would be funnier if you got crazy swag promoting classy films. Some ideas for There Will Be Blood: toy wooden oil derrick with real burning action, sign language for dummies, instant milkshake mix. For No Country For Old Men they could give out a toy pnuematic cattle killer (you could pump

See I think that you could apply "I drink your milkshake" to everyday speech, a way of expressing how you just burned/owned somebody.

Stomper: I am over it, I liked the movie. I was only bitching at Hah's post suggesting that the pilot in the movie autorotated the helicopter to a semi-safe landing. The purpose of my original post was that if we are going to point out things in the movie that shouldn't be thought too much about, this is what I'd

I should point out that I liked the movie and was able to suspend my disbelief, but if we're talking about plot holes this is the one that stuck out for me.

Hah: They did not autorotate. The helicopter was spinning, and appeared to hit the ground sideways. It appeared they had neither tail control nor cyclic control, making autorotation pretty damn impossible. I am an engineer and an RC helicopter pilot, who has actually autorotated a helicopter before. So please shove

Helicopter Crash
The fact that the characters survive a helicopter crash unscathed is more ridiculous than any of the (not that ridiculous) stuff mentioned in this post.

NY Geography
Its not an "uninterrupted" account, not counting the month earlier footage it pretty much spans from around 10ish at night until past 6 am. So yea I think they could do all the walking/running they do in the movie over the course of 8 hours. When they are just walking through the subway tunnel forever or

That sounds pretentious
A world where people are forced to create art, but are not allowed for the art to be good? That sounds like the most thinly veiled satire of the commercializtion of art, ever. He may be able to create some cool visuals, but it sounds like the story will be a pretentious crapfest like "The

The gimmic mostly works
I think the first person perspective works pretty well in this movie's favor. There is a definate claustrophobia and feeling that you are right there about to die just like the characters. But at the same time it leads to some nausiating shakey running, and sometimes boring intermediate parts