
I honestly don't think Dexter is much more violent than CSI, Law and Order etc. Theres a pretty good amount of swearing though, that'll probably be the main thing edited. And the second season has some nudity.

I don't usually buy much purely intrumental music but this score is so damn good I can't stop listening to it.

To those stating it is a weakness of the film that it is confusing: It is meant to be confusing at first because you are following the movie from Daniel's perspective, as he is a bit confused when he first meets Eli. But by the end of the movie, it is not ambiguous. The fact that you were confused is not a fault of

DW: I'm not saying its clear early on, just that by the end of the movie you should know its a twin. I think that both the confrontation between Eli and his father and the final confrontation between Eli and Daniel add up to make it quite clear that they are two seperate people. The argument that Eli is just so CRAZY

I debated this with the pleibians over at the IMDB board for TWBB, some of whom insisted it was ambigious. Its not ambigious, there's no debate, ITS TWO TWIN BROTHERS. If you think otherwise you weren't paying close enough attention. Also, Deckard is a replicant. Get over it.

Movie of the year
I saw this at one of the midnight screenings and it deserves every bit of its hype. I also saw that it made $92,763 per theater opening weekend (open only in 2 theaters), most likely selling out every single showing.

Favorite little touch in "walk hard"
Was during the black and white "news footage" during the 60s, at an outdoor Dewey Cox concert you can clearly see modern cars driving by down a street in the background. I found this hilarious in light of the fact that the same things happens several times in Judd Apatow's "Freaks

Action vs Drama
I would place Black Book in the top 5, and the Bourne Ultimatum in the top 10. Its not that I don't like arthouse films, I've seen more than half of the movies on your list. But at the end of the day, when I consider what is a "better" movie, I'll take action and intrigue over a keenly observed

She was Elliott Smith's girlfriend at one point, and she has a song about that called "We don't own it."

White Haven is in the Poconos. Thats in eastern Pennsylvania. I'm a Philadelphian as well, but grew up in small town PA. "Pennsylvania is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between"

Joan as police woman
Is a damn good artist, and its really not that bad a name. Her real name is Joan, and people used to say she looked like the star of Police Woman, a 70s cop show.

Thats awesome.

Allie, you're hotter than Leslie Feist. But not as hot as Jenny Lewis or Neko Case. I'd say there's room for you in the top 10.

What happened to the other reviews?
Last night there were reviews posted for I am Legend, the Kite Runner, and Alvin and the Chipmunks. There were even comments on I am Legend. And then they vanished, leaving only the review of this crap.

Blood simple
Also Emerson said something about someone "going all Blood Simple on his ass." More awesome than the CHUD reference I think.

Crab muffin
At the very end I loved how the crab muffin crawls up on Olive's shoulder, takes a look at her, and then matches her look into the camera.

Worthless without pics
Seriously, are we expected to google image search all these people, or just know what 100 indie rockers all look like. But I do agree that Jenny Lewis is super hot, in an "indie" way, and her music is also amazing.

I read the comic first, and I still think the movie is pretty damn good. It gets the essence of the comic. There was more depth and personality in the comic, but that is almost always true in book to movie conversions. And frankly, I think most of the people declaring that the movie sucked just want to pretend

Psycho? She seems pretty nice to me. Certainly not a "psycho" compared to New York or Flava Flav.

Amtrak and buses
When I was young my family had this idea to take a train to Montreal, starting in NYC, thinking that the train would be an interesting and scenic way to travel. What Amtrak didn't bother to tell us is that the only nearby track to Canada used a railroad bridge that had collapsed recently with a