
How'd you get the rights to this?
Did you have to pay for permission to distribute this song, or do you figure no one cares about the rights to it anymore?

Deb's reactions, the gator, doakes and dex
Honestly I think she'd laugh and think it was some kind of sick joke, not immediately freak out on Dexter.

Charlotte (the brunette) is hot. But I agree that having the other women be mediocre/ugly attracts more female viewers than if they had all been pretty.

The ending
Its tricky how they set you up for the ending, because part of it is clearly telegraphed earlier but the film manages to distract you so that when it actually happens it catches you off guard. And then something else rather unexpected happens and knocks you on your ass. I've heard from some people that

Probably better on video
Though you'll lose a little bit of the over top spectacle by watching this at home, it would probably be a lot easier to get through. Though sporadically awesome there is something about this movie that makes it seem about 5 hours long. I notice you didn't mention the car sex in this movie.

Since this show is a mirror image of the OC…
My friend asked "So who's going to get punched at this cotillion?" I suggested Carter by Nate and about two minutes later it happened.

I have that light up equalizer shirt
Yea, seriously. I dunno if I'm a super-geek or a mega-geek. I've never really worn it in public, but the concept was so ridiculous I just had to try it out. The only downside is, the music needs to be pretty loud for it to work well. That and the off the chart nerdiness.

The point is that the internet is a much more timely and relevant source of information than newspapers, that I am supprised that so many people here reading internet news also still read paper news, and that a newspaper company in this day would conduct a survey with such a stupid assumption as you either watch TV

You guys read newspapers?
A couple years ago I answered a quick survey at the supermarket in order to enter some prize drawing. It was about what newspaper I read, or if I got my news from TV, and was sponsered by the Philladelphia Inquirer. When I answered that I don't read newspapers or watch TV news the guy asked

The prison and arrested development
Was anyone else hoping for an Arrested Development reference when Chuck came to see Ned in prison? I'm refering to the "NO TOUCHING!" rule, which obviously has an extra implication on this show. Unfortunately there was glass between them.

What I want to know…
Is who Focus wanted INSTEAD of Laura Linney and Philip Seymour Hoffman. I mean who did they think would be better?

Did anyone else see "P.S."? Kind of a crappy movie, but the plot of Laura Linney seducing a much younger guy was enough to get me to see it.

Suggestions: Fight Club, The Rules of Attraction
Fight Club is an interesting case because Palahnuik said he actually prefers the movie to the book. I saw the movie first, but prefer the book, mainly because the themes are clearer and better explained. If you have only seen the movie, its easy to write it off as

Young victoria…
Is played by the hot jewish department store owner from Mad Men. I wouldn't mind seeing more of her in flashbacks. But, probably not going to happen.

Good, but
I wish they wouldn't make you shake the Wiimote just as an excuse to use the accelerometer. All the shaking in this game hurts my wrist. And times when it doesn't "take" are frustrating.

Framing Doakes
I'm thinking that Dexter will set it up to look like Doake's kidnapped Dexter and was preparing to kill him, until Dexter somehow overpowered Doakes and locked him in the cage. In the previews for future episodes they show Dexter taking out his tools, but I thought maybe that was to set up Doakes as if

Saw this in a movie theater
I was at one of the promotional screenings they had two weeks ago. It was cool watching it on the big screen, though you could notice more that the show isn't quite film-quality in terms of special-effects. An interesting aspect of the screening was the audience reactions, they loved it

Have they ever played the games?
The most retarded thing about this movie, to me, is that it completely ignores the central goal of the games. The difference between the Hitman games and your average FPS is that the point is to kill the target and ONLY the target, and to do it without getting caught and if possible

13 is hot. And doesn't Cutthroat Bitch need to get back to her bit part as "Mrs. Draper's bitchy neighbor/friend" on Mad Men at some point?

B-lem in the house, holla.