
Take 5s r0x0r
Its rare that a new candy is actually better than the old standbys, but the original Take 5 managed it by using Microsoft's tactic of "embrace and extend." Take what is successful elsewhere, build on it slightly, and sell it as your own.

Cowboy Bebop
Because its awesome, its short, and I wouldn't mind watching it again.

IMDB lists her name as just "Dani," and I watched the show and they never said her last name was California.

Its one thing to fuck with me, another to fuck with my ex girlfriend who hates me
Doakes finding the slides seems a bit improbable. So Dexter can kill Doakes, but how is he going to get Lundy off his tracks? I see Deb getting screwed again. And then there's crazy Lila… Seems like Dexter is going to have to kill

So bad its at least interesting
Since I first saw the trailer for this I knew I'd have to see it even if its terrible. Sounds amazingly absurd.

I don't see why they can't have sex, through plastic. I wasn't sure if "prophylactically" was supposed to imply they actually did that or not. Also with the whole polygamy theme this week, I was wondering if Chuck, Ned, and Olive might have some sort of threesome. Cause that'd be hot.

Heather is both fugly and a stupid whiny cliche goth chick.

Not damned
I got this on Netflix and it isn't bad, just very slight. I don't get the people saying this belongs in commentary tracks of the damned, it isn't horrible its just inconsequential.

"Are you trying to fuck her or set her on fire?"
- Deb upon seeing Dexter's ridiculous assortment of lit candles.

The stars my destination by Alfred bester
A well developed sci-fi premise (in the future everyone can teleport using their mind), combined with a slick revenge story and a lot of high concept sci-fi details. Think the Count of Monte Cristo + the upcoming Jumper + a protagonist that has shades of Marv from Sin City.

I blame Rita because her jumping to conclusions directly caused the problems between her and Dexter. Assuming he had a drug problem and then threatening to break up with him if he didn't go to meetings, even though he never once acted like a junkie around her, CAUSED him to meet Lila. Then assuming Dexter slept with

Asimov Adaptions
Has anyone else seen the softcore-porn adaption of Asimov's "Nightfall"? David Carridine is in it (not in the softcore scenes). Its amazingly terrible. It was too low-budget and obviously direct to dvd for this feature, but still deserves recognition for its ridiculously ill-conceived execution.

The video and Rita
Didn't anyone else find it ridiculous that he could just delete some video and no one would notice it was missing? I guess maybe if the software is just playing each video file in the folders sequentially while some nitwits wait for something to happen… But it seems like they might try to

Michael Clayton
Maybe its a crappy title, but its a damn good movie. And uh, isn't that what actually matters?

I really think Sylar is the most realistic character, in that the vast majority of real people who discovered they had some crazy power would immediately start using it to get rich/powerful/famous/laid/etc. Another smaller percentage would be too freaked out by it to do anything useful, like that guy who could

Speaking of duchovny
Can we get some sort of blog post about the finale / overall season of Californication, similiar to the recent post about Mad Men?

I'm so there. But I wonder how many people actually care enough to go to a theater for this?

Good stuff
Definately an interesting episode. I found it disconcerting that Dexter spit on his mother's murderer, a big no-no for not leaving DNA evidence. Certainly there is only one son of a woman that guy cut up with a chainsaw (left alive), and it wouldn't be hard for him to press charges against Dexter.

#1 actual activity at the office convention
Trying to hit on Jenna Fischer.

This game has probably the best character in any video game, and its not even a person.