
They should adapt Nightfall instead, its a much more filmable story. That there actually was a terrible terrible in-name-only adaption of Nightfall made, and it was actually kinda softcore porn. And it had David Carradine in it. Horrific. But a good version of it could be awesome.

Carrot Top and the Rules of Attraction
The Carrot Top commentary on the Rules of Attraction is the first thing I think of in terms of weird special features. There is no reason for it to exist, but its actually kinda funny, despite the involvement of Carrot Top. More movies should have extra commentary tracks by

Go faster
I started watching after last weeks post, but I'm already up to "Ice." In the first eight episodes I think there is more good than bad, but the low point for me was the episode about the evil super computer. Its really dated, and not at all scary. I mostly like the "monster of the week" episodes though, the

Hey rappers
If you want to show how "hard" you are by packing heat, get a fucking concealed carry permit. Cause you WILL get searched by police.

Big clue?
Maybe I'm missing something but when D'Anna said that there were four cylons in the human fleet, I immediately wondered if that meant the 5th had to be on the base star with them at that time. In other words: Adama, Roslin, Baltar, or one of the pilots that was there such as Helo.

Can't wait to see this, Wong Kar-Wai is the man.

Seriously, what a stupid pet. Sorta cute to look at, but nasty sons of bitches to actually try to pet or hold, and they smell fucking terrible.

The trailer for this
Was structured so that there was no dialogue and just a ton of narration to explain everything. Like they are trying to hide the fact that its subtitled. So retarded when marketers pull shit like that.

Not Another Teen Movie was at least fairly coherent in its parodying of teen movie cliches. It wasn't just a bunch of retarded references to recent pop culture like Meet the Spartans. Now thats not to say it was very funny or particularly good, but at least it was more than a string of sub-SNL skits.

More like a parody of the making of apocalypse now
According to the description I read this movie is about a bunch of actors and a film crew making a movie about vietnam, but the project loses funding and the crazy director leads everyone into the jungle to finish the movie. Then they run into and end up fighting with

Gorilla team pissed me off
By not sticking to the vegetarian nature of their theme. It reeks of incompetence that they didn't bother try to follow the theme, but it also seems like typical fancy chef arrogance that being able to make good vegetarian dishes is of no concern to them.

Fear is the mind killer
Fear is the little death that brings total annihilation. I will face my fear. I will let it wash over me and through me. When it has gone I will turn my inner eye to see its path. Where the fear was there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

"The Mysterious Yearning Secretive Sad Lonely…
…Troubled Confused Loving Musical Gifted Intelligent Beautiful Tender Sensitive Haunted Passionate Talented Mr. Ripley" - what IMDB calls the "complete title" for The Talented Mr. Ripley. Looking back that film has a really incredible cast which at the time was far less

Good Deschanel Movie
Almost Famous. Admittedly, she has a fairly small part in it. Also she was good on Weeds.

Hey its Louis from "Munich"

Ready to Die
First time I ever heard that song was in a commercial for the game "Hitman II." There couldn't be a more perfect theme song that game or even shooting games in general.
"This is your time to pay
This is your judgement day
We made a sacrifice and
Now we get to take your life
Its really nothing new
Its just a

Great Episode
Gotta love it when Walt starts kicking ass. But I didn't particularly care for the friendly janitor getting in trouble, it was a bit too obvious a guilt trip.

So is this "Culture" thing kind of like the Foundation, or what?

Norbit didn't win, thank god
And wow, Katherine Heigl was really nervous about presenting.

Just imagine what Kelly's commentary for Southland Tales is going to be like…