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    I hope this means Schmidt is done with his vendetta to break them up. I want to got back to liking him.

    Nick expressing his feelings for the first time might be the funniest thing Jake Johnson has ever done.

    This man knew things we did not people. BURN THE WITCH!!!

    It creeped me out. But I also felt really awkward at Alex's…development.

    I was loving this episode till Schmidt threatened to break up Jess and Nick. That was low and increibly infuriating to hear. It would have ruined the episode for me if not for the incredible ending with Jess and Nick.


    The final shot of the series was a callback to "Crawlspace."
    Jesse woodworking was a callback to Jesse's woodworking story.

    See, I saw that admittance as a way of proving that, while he did do it for himself, it was still for his family. 
    If he really just did it for himself, why bother telling Sklyar? By doing so he set her free, because he cares for her. He cares for all his family, and he never wanted this for them. He lived a lot longer

    My question is: if it was all for himself? Why bother making sure they got his money? Why bother telling Skylar? Obviously, part of the reason he did it was for the rush, but mainly, I think his actions this episode proves that he loves his family, and it was, in part, for them.

    I think I'm the only person who saw him admitting that as the ultimate way to prove it was actually all for his family.

    That whole speech fucking killed me. That and the Santa reveal sold the Cartman plot to me, and there was no need to sell me Butters'.

    Eh, what can I say, I LOVED this episode. I was laughing the whole way through. Mainly at the Butters plot, but still…

    Oh dear. I can't believe I didn't notice that. Well, it's too funny to change. >_>

    I never thought I could hate any fictional character more than I do Joffrey. Then tonight's episode happened.

    I found this incredibly enjoyable. B+ is just about right. I'm on board!

    C+?? Whaa?
    Solid A from me. I figured anyone who has seen a good bit of Classic Who would have loved this episode. So many references, so many hints, and a possible post 8th, pre 9th regeneration in John Hurt? There was way too much awesome!

    And Bo Burnham.

    Unfortunately I found the leech much too cute for me to find it creepy. I just kept d'awwing at it while it was trying to crawl away.

    First episode this season that I have just hated. For episode ever, actually, when it comes to Community and I. And I think next week might be the second.

    I saw him live a couple years ago, and he's fantastic. He might be an ass on stage, but he is the nicest guy off. Not only did I get an autograph, but I got to talk to him for quite a while. It was awesome and he is awesome and he should be more famous.