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    To be fair, a lot of people have incorporated Milton's work into Christianity, same with Dante's.

    I actually am, not because of any deeper meaning or what-not, but because I feel like the album opens and ends better in that order, and, overall, the flow from song to song is better.

    By having a CW budget.

    While I don't think 11 was ever in love with Amy romantically, I would kind of like for them to step back from romance altogether for a while. I like River and that story, but it's time to let sleeping dogs lie.

    I feel like a lot of people are forgetting that this is a children's show. They did it because it looks cool, it doesn't need to make a lot of sense.

    That is my exact list…

    The crack was in the room. River gave her the number. (Most likely.)
    The OMega symbols were an easter egg/tease.

    I think all the Clara issues will be solved with Capaldi. She's the first face he sees after all. 11 was smitten with Amy, she was his companion. He just couldn't connect to Clara the same way.

    "Though with the added exposure of the show, they’ll probably make some good money performing."
    Ha. It's funny looking at this statement now, considering they're going to be touring Europe in a couple of weeks. Youtube is a miraculous thing. They probably would have just faded away if this was even a decade ago, but in

    I loved this. I thought the songs were great and funny, especially Mary's welcoming of Yang to the afterlife. Also, anytime Shawn and Lassie tango, it's going to be gold.

    The ending to this episode devastated me. It was sitting in solid B maybe B+ territory, but that makes it an A. That was just so heartbreaking.

    The lack of Ayreon's new masterpiece saddens me.

    Plano. Grew up right on Shiloh.

    That was the one we went to all the time as kids.
    Here in Denton we sill have a Blockbuster/Game Rush. Every time I drive by I get a little misty-eyed, because it's like nostalgic, yo…

    You didn't feel Rachel's? It hit me hard.

    No love for 8 Simple Rules "Goodbye" two parter? I still think that's the most emotionally moving hour of television I've ever seen. I get misty-eyed just thinking about it.

    Kroll's been on before. Season three's "Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism"

    Replying to Guy…

    This episode was phenomenal. It's the best episode the show has done in a long while, and I'm saying that as someone who is really enjoying this season so far, and pretty much loved last season.

    I thought Cartman killed Token too. I was freakin out.