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    Yeah, but, in the Tower series, he goes by Walter o'Dim, a character who wasn't even supposed to be Flagg at the outset.

    Thing is, he started this lie before he ever met Juliet. He didn't meet her and then decide to lie to her, he met her and was already being threatened with jail time. He had no choice.

    I just don't understand how him pretending to be Psychic is something he has to make up for? And it's not lies. It's a lie. And it wasn't even about her! The act was already going on when she came to town! It started before he ever even knew her! That's what gets me. She takes it as some personal thing, but all it is

    The only issue, is a two partner with a massive reset at the end where no one remembers anything? Yeah, no. Even "The Big Bang" had everyone remember everything.

    Well, considering it was either get over and and live, or argue and die, she didn't really have much of a choice, and then there wasn't much time to talk while the Doctor fixed everything, and then, you know, no more memories.

    Same. I never understood the hate.

    A solid episode, but easily the weakest of the three so far. Next week's looks promising though.

    I find it funny people are complaining about Kirkman and the story when he has been saying for years in the letters that he had no plans for the story and he'd be surprised if he even made it to issue 75. He also promised that if he ever made it that far, he'd end it where it was all aliens. And he did that.

    I find it funny people are complaining about Kirkman and the story when he has been saying for years in the letters that he had no plans for the story and he'd be surprised if he even made it to issue 75. He also promised that if he ever made it that far, he'd end it where it was all aliens. And he did that.