
He's wearing a turtleneck.

Truer words have never been spoken, Legface.

Like Abe Simpson, they just want attention.

Hey, dudes, I started going gay in my 20s, too!

Poor Katie Holmes, y'know?

So I says, "Why buy the cow when you can fuck the cow for free!?"

This one is obvious:

That's the point. He's not your enemy. His career has been perfectly non-despicable. He's just doing what a musician does - promote his work. And he's doing it without getting a televised face lift (Vince Neil) or pretending to be a business executive on a lame-ass game show (Gene Simmons). Or by trying to change

I'm not a big fan, actually. I have a general knowledge of their history and I own just one of their records. So you can't use the "you're a fanboy so you're too biased to see the humor" argument. All of my points stand and my level of fandom is irrelevant. Sorry, but it's just annoying as hell when people try so

I saw a guy the other day with a bumper sticker that said "I Brake For Saucy Wenches."

- The pose really isn't funny after you've seen it a couple times.
- He's balding. He's over 60. Nothing comical there.
- Jethro Tull was an old tyme English guy. So they chose Blackletter, an old tyme English font. Makes sense to me. The leafy designs pretty much befit the group's folky leanings. And yeah, the

feeling like a dead duck
Everything about this DVD cover is well within the bounds of typical rock-related graphic design. The only atypical thing about it is that he's playing a flute and if that's what we're all supposed to be laughing at, then this piece is way off base. Because everyone knows there's enough room

i guarantee you…
…that he urinated at some point during those 17 minutes.

There are a lot of total fucking assholes posting comments here. I read this feature in order to be amused for a few minutes, not because I was expecting an in-depth analysis of Japanese culture. I already know all about that topic, having recently watched Mr. Baseball on TBS. Well, not all of it, but enough

[three dudes bust out of elevator]

So long as the kid is not disabled, I'm cool with that joke.

It's certainly funnier than making fun of a disabled child.

"smoking the main competition"

I'd buy THAT comment for a dollar!

[types slowly while talking]