
Let me finish!
I watched this show regularly in the past. I checked out when it got to the point that Simon, the only person on the show who ever voices a valid opinion, couldn't finish a sentence without getting shouted down by a legion of teenyboppers and contestants' friends and family members. If he wasn't

Ok, so with your four and my…umm, yeah. Yeah, definitely. I think together we could to the work of one real man. High five right back at ya!


Another sad case of shtick envy.

Oh, right, right. Well, I'm guessing nothing that would qualify as literature has ever been written about the likes and dislikes of Conor Oberst.

What the hell is "music literature?"

TS? That's not funny on any level.

Either is acceptable. There's no hard and fast rule, although the UK/US delineation (sp?) is generally followed.

I'm a m-m-m-m-monkey!!!

Have fun thinking up and registering a new handle, Benedict!

Anyone who knows the meanings of the words "neither" and "nor" would know that I never said that.

Beth Ditto is fat? Check.

Even when you're out of the spotlight, minding your own business and doing nothing wrong, you can find yourself the subject of dozens of perverted and degrading comments by a mob of anonymous weirdos.

You're the doctor, Wally. You oughta know.

no complaints
Not a one.

tim, i had never heard that before either, but even if you did make it up, it works. well done.

Me and the other guys at my junior high, we heard that it's the girth that really matters, not the length. So, like, God would probably give Hisself a real girthy penis so I think God does know how long His penis is 'cause it's probably a decent length but not too long, but He might not know the girth for sure so

I guess I'm not really sure if they reveal that sort of personal info on the show.

a poke

Banmar: In the clip, Bush calls him "Captain." So we know that, as a commissioned officer, he's a career man making better than decent money. (And that he doesn't have a former employer to worry about.)