
…is the over-under on the number of Detroit-area bands that will post a photo of themselves with this statue within 48 hours of its unveiling.

Hey, it's lexicondevil and Banmar and Curly Jefferson!!!

Best show ever, man.
I haven't posted here in years, but I saw the article and knew that I'd be able to read some quality commentary on what was, to me, the best TV show ever made. Thanks to everyone for contributing so many sincere and positive comments.

Pompous guy unnecessarily making an unverifiable claim:
Oh, hey everyone. I would love to stay and post more comments, but I have to appear in court right now, since I'm actually an attorney.

damn hell ass kings
i just have to say that it's been about a year since i've been here and the shit i'm reading now is even funnier than i remember. this site is the reason i can't own a computer and be a semi-productive human being at the same time.

Agree, to a point. TOD and LC = slightly dimishing, but not unnecessary. And, yeah, I figured you'd say as much, but I've been surprised at how many people thought it was not bad, so I had to make sure.

I'm not really a fan of sample-based music and I don't know enough about the legal issues to know just how prohibitive the laws are, but I can take your word for it that the laws are strict and that that type of music does suffer as a result.

a quick addendum
It's not the band that necessarily has the right to "veto" the use of its song. It's whoever owns the copyright. Often, a songwriter or band will sign over the publishing/licensing rights to the label to which it is signed. Or, sometimes, a band's management will possess the rights and will have an

the george carlin show
A real shame. Certainly one of the most disappointing sitcoms ever.

Area Chicks Fellate Area Bassists

The comedy envelope = pushed, by me
I would have gone with:

I was trying to figure out exactly how to express what I was thinking, but you went ahead and did it for me. Thx!!

"What a lame thing to criticize."

I was just agreeing w/CHL.

Lesbo King - there's an excellent reason. So those bastards can fall for a really long time and so that that image can be burned into my memory forever. Hope that clears it up.

Hilarious. I liked her attempt at the Tarzan rope swing. So, so futile.

Interestingly, no one ever seems to get hurt on MXC and Ninja Warrior. I'm sure it happens, but they don't show it. My gut tells me that Wipeout will be injury-free also.

gas jockey
Has anyone seen the promos for this new ABC show called "Wipeout?" It looks like an American version of MXC. The promo I saw features a very fat woman failing miserably and comically at a number of challenges. I'm in.

So weak. Cringe-inducing.

i've never been ass-raped, but this is what it must feel like
Terrible. Simply terrible. I have had time to think this over, having seen the movie Thursday morning at midnight. It's not getting any better. I could go on and on citing examples of why this movie should not have been made, but I don't even want to