
soprano, then

Dudes, this would have been funnier before my last comment, which indicates that I already did listen to the whole thing. It's still sort of funny.

i'm so afraid for amelie right now

Strike Four: Cookie Monster on vocals.
Strike Five: The Van Halen-esque guitar solo abruptly making way for the searing Van Halen-esque alto saxophone solo.

Fair enough.

Sounds like you're daring me to listen to the whole thing.

Strike One was seeing the 5:09 running time.
Strike Two was the first note of the song.
Strike Three was the second note of the song.

bonedad, we're in agreement about this album, but since you quoted me in your subject line and then tried to disprove what I said about her seeming "sharp," I had to take a shot back at you. Like I said, the fact that she isn't dumb makes her more accountable for doing this record.

Also, something about Tom Waits' explicit consent weakens that "rape" metaphor.

I don't know her personally, of course, but the interview I mentioned revealed that she is fairly articulate and thoughtful. Point is, she's not a complete dummy, so she can be held accountable for her actions.

ZMF is still right.

I wonder what I would do in Johansson's position. She seems pretty sharp, so she must know she's not much of a singer; if she didn't, she's gonna find out now that this album is available for criticism. There was a recent interview on Pitchfork in which she said she has serious performance anxiety, so she

Hey, thanks. I just rented the bonus materials DVD, so I will look for that scene.

It is. Apparently, Gobler's lips do not move when the line is heard. Also, in a previous scene he refers to Dietrich as "Major." I hate reading about errors in my favorite movies. Damn you, imdb.

He makes me feel like dancin'.

I usually don't point out typos, but it's great that you failed to include what would have been the key word in your comment.

Those all sound phonetically accurate. I always assumed that Mohan's last word was a truncated version of Marion's name. As if he were saying, in his language, "Good night, May."

Those all sound phonetically accurate. I always assumed that Mohan's last word was a truncated version of Marion's name. As if he were saying, in his language, "Good night, May."

lex, i once searched for the transcription of Marion's Nepali lines immediately after the drinking contest. No luck. This was when the 10,000 BC review was being discussed and I wanted a good comeback to what you just typed above.

MM was subconsciously thinking about the character credited as "Mean Mongolian" that Indy fights in the bar scene. He certainly was no day at the beach, what with that flaming arm and all.