Well, he left this one a few years after he should instead of a little before.
Well, he left this one a few years after he should instead of a little before.
Pleeeease add Lucy Lawless as a full-time cast member.
I'm bummed out on Leslie's behalf.
Looks like Ann's about to Brandanaquitz the second half of this season.
Ann was actually starting to kind of be properly fleshed out as a character. For shame, Rashida. For shaaaaaame.
"We’d be delighted to produce a fifth season of Arrested Development, if possible, given fan reaction."
Wow, that's kind of a dick thing to say.
Are there people who actually side with paparazzi, or are they just sort of universally loathed like Limp Bizkit is now?
I keep thinking about how Jesus' message of "love other people because everyone is equal in the eyes of God" has come to mean "fuck that guy for getting something for free" by people who think it's cool to shoot an unarmed black kid because he makes you feel uncomfortable.
I've had conversations where Christians insist being fed to lions in Roman times is on par with the Holocaust.
"Um, yeah, scripture says that the most devout Christians will sacrifice themselves at age 33, no exceptions."
Er, uh, this should have gone in another thread higher up.
That's some Raymond Chandler shit right there.
Absolutely. A bowl or two and some beers should make this kind of awesome.
Huh. You grew up around On This Dick, too?
I liked a few things about Super, too. I just don't think they added up to enough to make up for the "eeeennnhhhnnn…" of the rest of the movie.
"Look, I have plenty of homosexual friends. I just think everything about what they do is angering God and destroying the fabric of existence. It's a normal thing to think, and I don't see why people would find my view of homosexuals leading to the End Times to be offensive."