Hello Newman

They want him to be fired simply because he's an asshole. It's fucking ridiculous.

He should apologize once an hour for the rest of his life, and he should never work again.

His sincere apology one week ago had no "but."

My only concern is that this decision doesn't affect Azlan's work on future episodes of The Leftovers.

Also notable that you think "we must unite" is bullshit. Very telling.

No. You shut the fuck up. Why do you get to say what I can say just because I look a certain way? What if my grandfather is black? Or my great-grandfather? Or my father? What percentage of melanin to I have to have in my skin to allow me to say certain words, O' Arbiter of Language?

Reality has a well-known liberal bias.

Look, I'll make this real easy for you: do you or do you not understand that Hillary Clinton used a private email server?

Go fuck yourself.

Next he needs to tackle that piece of shit Donald Trump Jr for saying that Democrats "aren't people."

Well, you see, the simple fact is that the vast majority of conservatives are goddamned fucking morons.

My favorite part of your horseshit is you pretending to be above juvenile slurs, and then using them yourself.

All I was asking is what shade of skin color qualifies me to say certain words.

Here's the general order of things as I see it:
Bad joke gets made on live television.
Sincere apology made less than 24 hours later. No qualifications, no "sorry your feelings were hurt." Just an apology.
Apology gets refused by people who have never made a mistake in their lives.
Maher gets cancelled, and 150-200 people

How black? If my dad is black but my mom isn't, am I allowed to object?

What's more amazing is how people would rather throw people that are aligned with 90% of their views under the bus because of saying one word once (which was not said in malice, but in the form of a bad joke, a bad joke which was followed by a sincere apology), and then, in refusing to accept the apology, let 200

"I totally understand the position that Mah'er show should be cancelled"

Glad you admit this is just a fucking game.

Too bad. Go somewhere else then.

You had a point?