Hello Newman



Donald O'Brien…
Donald J. Trump…

On the other hand, Nut Job 1 is playing every day. Usually golf.

Me too (Los Angeles), and while I was a nervous wreck a few days ago, I've calmed down a little since. I realized it just does not good to live in that kind of state of fear. I bought some supplies, am buying a bit more, and if It happens, my one story wood frame house won't be much protection from the blast but I can

Do you make the dough from scratch? What do you like to use?

Scream 2.

"Confidence: it's the food of the wise man and the liquor of the fool."
— Vikram on "The Office", also somebody presumably real

Plus it contradicts that whole dumb "he's not a politician" defense.

I feel like Jesse Pinkman: "HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!"

It's still a thing, though. I can't tell you the number of people out there who truly, actually believe that if only we shame fat people enough, they'll start losing weight.

Uh oh, where's that asshole that always complains about the AVC's weekly John Oliver article?

Yeah, which is why whenever people go"Oh, if we got rid of the EC, then New York, Chicago, and California would choose every election," my response has simply become "Yeah, because… that's where most of the people are."

Yeah, thankfully you never see violence or threats from the right. They're pretty chill most of the time and definitely aren't the people far more likely to spout out garbage about the tree of liberty needing periodic watering with patriotic blood. It's leftists that claim that 2nd amendment isn't for self defense or

Don't mind the hand-wringing from other posts. "Stupid" is indeed the right word. These people are fucking morons.

I first read that as "disintegration." It still works.

It reads like a John Oliver aside from last week's Last Week Tonight.

Kenny: They all know that I'm just the wild card this show needs to nab that elusive demographic. That Hunger Games demo. That John Carter from Mars demo.
Stevie: Kenny, you skew extremely young.
Kenny: Yeah, no shit.

I made this BTTF/Trump mash-up two years and two days ago - just after he announced candidacy - and even then, I knew it was a possibility ("It can happen"). But I still hoped I'd be wrong. And I still can't believe it happened.

"The second best Star Trek movie ever made…"