Hello Newman

Thank you! I guess that's my concern. I certainly have no designs about expanding beyond a single location, I wasn't clear on that part admittedly. But right now I can just make 3-4 pizzas at a time, and I'm wondering if I can successfully multiply that by 100 over the course of a day without sacrificing quality. I

As a novice pizzamaker interested in opening a pizzeria sometime in the next few years, something I can't help but wonder anytime a food business tries to expand: How do you maintain the quality of your product when you attempt to scale up? Surely at some point you have to make concessions and sacrifices, in order to

But that completely contradicts what you just said above about not being able to comprehend how.

I really do wonder when the feeling of "I can't believe Donald Trump is President of the United States" will go away. It doesn't feel any different to me today as it did 4 or 6 months ago.

It's never a good sign when your best song is the first song off your first album. #Papercut4Lyfe

And put NPH out of work?

Hot take: El Mañana is their best song and video.

"What is this, Gizmodo? Why is a pop culture site discussing technology? I NEED TO COMPARTMENTALIZE MY INTERESTS!" — guy who also complains about political articles on the AV Club

Because a fucking game show host is our president. Everything he touches is pop culture now.

They're in the boredom-killing business.

"A Trump article? On the AV Club? I thought this was a pop culture website! Why so much politics? — shitheads

Did they email you to let you know they fixed the commenting system, or did you simply continue to check the site every day like you were going to anyway?

Nah, it's pretty shit as far as comments go. We have a pop culture president. All politics is pop culture now.

If you love it here so much, maybe it's time you got your shit together and started to seriously question your shitty conservative beliefs.

I bet the FCC chairman and the MPAA shrew-in-chief have a lame-off every Friday night as they toast each other on being professional scolds protecting us from nobody.

Nothing wrong with a little locker room talk.

He's completely clueless. I couldn't help but think of:

Agreed. Can't even fathom the thought process that determines it to be a good idea.

I can most assuredly say that not everybody is a creative at heart. I've known many people who seem to have zero creative outlets whatsoever. They're less interesting people.

Yeah, that was the only one that got a laugh out of me. The artwork reminds me of that Straw Feminists in the Closet comic.